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Read, D. L.; Merkle, D. H.; Rochefort, M. A.; Anderson, M.
view article (1.0)Expedient Repair of Structural Facilities (ERSF). Volume 1. ERSF System Development. Volume 1 of 2. Final Report. December 1987-October 1990Applied Research Associates, Inc., Tyndall AFB, FLAir Force Engineering and Services Center, Tyndall AFB, FL, ESL-TR-91-10, January 1992, 108 p.Rochefort, M. A.; Dees, B. R.; Risinger, C. W.
view article (1.0)Halon 1211 Replacement Agent Evaluation: Perfluorohexane and Halotron I. Final Report.Applied Research Associates, Inc., Tyndall AFB, FLWL-TR-93-3520, November 1993, 29 p.