FireDOC Search

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  • Scott, K. A.
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    Flammability of Plastics: Methods of Testing. Technical Review.
    Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain, Shropshire (RAPRA), England
    Technical Review 27; Class 968T, December 1965, 48 p.

  • Scott, K. A.; Taylor, W.
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    Fight Against Fire: A Critical Study.
    Rubber and Plastics Research Assoc., UK
    Fire, Vol. 69, No. 856, 251-253, October 1976

  • Eagles, A. E.; Scott, K. A.
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    International Position of Tests for Fire Safety.
    RAPRA, Shrewsburg, England
    University of Edinburgh. Fire Safety of Combustible Materials International Symposium. October 1975, Edinburgh, Scotland, 131-140 p., 1975

  • Scott, K. A.
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    Plastics and Society: Fire.
    Rubber and Plastics Research Assoc., UK
    Plastics and Polymers, Vol. 41, No. 155, 248-252, October 1973
    Plastics Institute National Technical Conference (PINTEC 72). November 29-30, 1972, London, England, 1973

  • Raman, N. K.; Scott, K. A.; Taylor, W.
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    Fire Performance of Plastics: Methods of Test.
    Rubber and Plastics Research Association of Great Britain, England
    Research Report 58, September 1971, 46 p.