FireDOC Search

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  • Selby, T.; Murphy, L.
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    Trouble With Performance-Based Codes: Judicial Interpretation.
    Glasgow Caledonian Univ., Scotland
    Fire Research and Engineering, Second (2nd) International Conference. (ICFRE2). Proceedings. ABSTRACTS ONLY. National Institute of Standards and Technology and Society of Fire Protection Engineers. August 10-15, 1997, Gaithersburg, MD, Slaughter, K. C., Editors, 52-52 p., 1997

  • Selby, T.
    view article (1.0)

    Legal Issues Surrounding Performance Based Codes.
    Prusik Selby and Daley, Chicago, IL
    Fire Safety Design in the 21st Century, Second (2nd) Conference. Pre-Conference Papers. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. June 9-11, 1999, Worcester, MA, 1-8 p., 1991