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Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.
view article (1.0)Building Control Lessons in Analysis of a Chip Pan Fire.Fire, Vol. 77, No. 956, 26-27, February 1985Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.; Donegan, H. A.; Bell, Y. A.
view article (1.0)Methodological Problems Associated With the Use of the Delphi Technique.Ulster Univ. at Jordanstown, Northern IrelandFire Technology, Vol. 23, No. 3, 175-185, August 1987Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.
view article (1.0)Buildings and Fire.Buildings and Fire, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Somerset, NJ, 462 p., 1987Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.; Donnegan, H. A.; Devlin, E.
view article (1.0)Harmonisation and Evaluation of Fire Regulations.Ulster Univ., JordanstownCommission of European Communities. European Fire Regulations International Conference, 1st. June 29-30, 1987, Thessaloniki, Greece, 17-42 p., 1987Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.; Donegan, H. A.
view article (1.0)Development of a Fire Safety Evaluation Points Scheme for Dwellings. Part 1. Some Theoretical Considerations.Ulster Univ., EnglandFire Safety Journal, Vol. 15, 313-324, 1989Toal, B. R.; Silcock, G. W. H.; Shields, T. J.
view article (1.0)Examination of Piloted Ignition Characteristics of Cellulosic Materials Using the ISO Ignitability Test.Ulster Univ., Jordanstown, Northern IrelandFire and Materials, Vol. 14, No. 3, 97-106, September 1989O'Connor, D. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.
view article (1.0)Strategy for the Fire Testing of Reduced Scale Structural Models.Ulster Univ., Northern IrelandFire Technology, Vol. 28, No. 1, 48-69, February 1992Shields, T. J.; Dunlop, K. E.; Silcock, G. W. H.
view article (1.0)Management Strategy to Establish Life Safety Equivalency for Historic Buildings.Ulster Univ., Northern IrelandFire Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1-2, 21-26, 1991Azhakesan, A. M.; Shields, T. J.; Silcock, G. W. H.
view article (1.0)Development on the Fire Propagation Test.Michigan State Univ., East LansingInternational Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 4th International Symposium. July 13-17, 1994, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Kashiwagi, T., Editors, 349-360 p., 1994Zhang, J.; Silcock, G. W. H.; Shields, T. J.
view article (1.0)Study of the Combustion and Fire Retardancy of Polyacrylonitrile and Its Copolymers by Using Cone Calorimetry.University of Ulster, UKJournal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 2, 141-161, March/April 1995