displaying 1 - 10 results in total 53
Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Surface Spread of Flame Over Wood.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandFR Note 553, June 1964, 33 p.Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Cellulosic Materials by Radiation.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandCombustion and Flame, Vol. 4, No. 4, 293-300, December 1960Heselden, A. J. M.; Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Proposed Series of Experiments for B.I.S.F.--J.F.R.O. Programme. Part 1. Experiments in the Compartment.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandInternal Note 208, November 1964, 13 p.Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Fire Hazards of Fabrics.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandTextile Institute and Industry, Vol. 1, No. 9, 11-13, September 1963Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Flammability of Fabrics.Fibres and Plastics, Vol. 20, No. 9, 291-294, October 1959Simms, D. L.; Hinkley, P. L.
view article (1.0)Protective Clothing Against Flames and Heat. Special Report.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandSpecial Report 3, 1960, 46 p.Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)On the Spontaneous Ignition of Cellulosic Materials by Radiation.FR Note 573, November 1964, 19 p.Thermal Effects: Collection of Papers. Symposium. Technical Cooperation Program: United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK) and Canada Sub-Group-N, Panel N3 (Thermal). October 5-9, 1965, 9/1-24 p., ['1965', '1964']Lawson, D. I.; Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Ignition of Wood by Radiation.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 3, 288-292, September 1952Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Wool and the Fire Hazard.Wool Review, August 1964Simms, D. L.
view article (1.0)Some Early Experiments on Ignition by Radiation.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandFR Note 577, November 1964, 7 p.