FireDOC Search

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  • Smith, A. C.; Lazzara, C. P.
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    Spontaneous Combustion Studies of U.S. Coals.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 9079, 1987, 32 p.

  • Hertzberg, M.; Cashdollar, K. L.; Lazzara, C. P.; Smith, A. C.
    view article (1.0)

    Inhibition and Extinction of Coal Dust and Methane Explosions.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 8708, 1982, 32 p.

  • Hertzberg, M.; Cashdollar, K. L.; Lazzara, C. P.; Smith, A. C.
    view article (1.0)

    Inhibition and Extinction of Coal Dust and Methane Explosions.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 8708, January 1983, 36 p.

  • Gad, S. C.; Smith, A. C.
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    Influence of Heating Rates on the Toxicity of Evolved Combustion Products: Results and a System for Research.
    Allied Corp., Morristown, NJ
    Journal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 6, 465-479, November/December 1983

  • Smith, A. C.; Miron, Y.; Lazzara, C. P.
    view article (1.0)

    Inhibition of Spontaneous Combustion of Coal.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 9196, 1988, 19 p.

  • Smith, A. C.; Miron, Y.
    view article (1.0)

    Evaluation of Additives to Inhibit the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. 1988 Technical Meeting. December 5-7, 1988, Clearwater Beach, FL, 40/1-4 p., 1988

  • Smith, A. C.
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    High-Rise Fire Spread: Learn From the Past.
    Fire Underwriters, New York
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 143, No. 11, 62-63, November 1990

  • Miron, Y.; Smith, A. C.; Lazzara, C. P.
    view article (1.0)

    Sealed Flask Test for Evaluating the Self-Heating Tendencies of Coals.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburg, PA
    RI 9330, 1990, 22 p.

  • Smith, A. C.; Miron, Y.; Lazzara, C. P.
    view article (1.0)

    Large-Scale Studies of Spontaneous Combustion of Coal.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 9346, 1991, 32 p.

  • Smith, A. C.; Ng, D.; Ryan, M. W.; Lazzara, C. P.
    view article (1.0)

    Method to Evaluate the Performance of Coal Fire Extinguishants.
    Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
    RI 9392, 1991, 15 p.