FireDOC Search

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  • Smith, D. L.; Harris, J. P.; Lawrence, D. A.
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    Preliminary Studies for a Drilling Robot Firefighter.
    Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
    Naval Surface Weapons Center, Silver Spring, MD, NPS-69-87-005, August 1987, 168 p.

  • Smith, D. L.
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    Dangers of Confined-Space Emergency Operations: Will You be a Rescuer or a Fatality?
    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 142, No. 7, 44-48, July 1989

  • Bone, B. G.; Clark, D. F.; Smith, D. L.; Petruzzello, S. J.
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    Physiological Responses to Working in Bunker Gear: A Comparative Study.
    University of Illinois Fire Service Inst., Champaign; Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY; University of Illinois, Urbana
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 147, No. 11, 52,54-55, November 1994

  • Clark, D. F.; Smith, D. L.; Petruzzello, S. J.; Bone, B. G.
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    Heat Stress in the Training Environment.
    University of Illinois, Champaign; SkidmoreCollege, Saratoga Springs, NY
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 151, No. 3, 163-164,166,168, March 1998

  • Smith, D. L.; Petruzzello, S. J.; Kramer, J. M.; Warner, S. E.; Bone, B. G.; Misner, J. E.
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    Selected Physiological and Psychobiological Responses to Physical Activity in Different Configurations of Firefighting Gear.
    Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY; University of Illinois, Urbana; University of Illinois, Champaign
    Ergomonics, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2065-2077, 1995

  • Smith, D. L.; Petruzzello, S. J.; Kramer, J. M.; Misner, J. E.
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    Effects of Different Thermal Environments on the Physiological and Psychological Responses of Firefighters to the Training Drill.
    Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
    Ergonomics, Vol. 40, No. 4, 500-510, Spril 1997

  • Smith, D. L.
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    Hot Under the Turnout.
    Fire Service Institute, IL
    Fire Chief, Vol. 45, No. 8, 82,84,86,88, August 2001

  • Smith, D. L.; Manning, T. S.; Petruzzello, S. J.
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    Effects of Live Fire Training on Recruits.
    Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY; State University of New York, Buffalo; University of Illinois, Urbana
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 154, No. 19, 79-81, September 2001

  • Smith, D. L.; Haigh, C.
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    Implementing Effective On-Scene Rehabilitation.
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 159, No. 4, 175-176,178,180,182-184,186-188, April 2006