FireDOC Search

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  • Smith, P. W.; Crane, C. R.
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    Biological Testing in Fire Toxicology.
    Consultant, Oklahoma City, OK; Dept. of Transportation, Oklahoma City, OK
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS SP 540,
    National Bureau of Standards. Fire Research and Safety. 3rd Joint Panel Proceedings Conference of the U.S. Japn Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). March 13-17, 1978, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Sherald, M. A., Editors, 549-565 p., 1979

  • Crane, C. R.; Sanders, D. C.; Endecott, B. R.; Abbott, J. K.; Smith, P. W.
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    Inhalation Toxicology. Part 1. Design of a Small-Animal Test System. Part 2. Determination of the Relative Toxic Hazards of 75 Aircraft Cabin Materials. OAM Report. October 1974-September 1976.
    Federal Aviation Admin., Oklahoma City, OK
    FAA-AM-77-9, March 1977, 53 p.

  • Smith, P. W.; Crane, C. R.; Sanders, D. C.; Endecott, B. R.; Abbott, J. K.
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    Assessment of the Toxicity of Combustion Products by Direct Animal Exposure.
    Civil Aeromedical Institute, Oklahoma City, OK
    American Chemical Society. National Symposium on Fire Safety Aspects of Polymeric Materials. June 6-8, 1977, Washington, DC, 1-9 p., 1977

  • Smith, P. W.; Crane, C. R.; Sanders, D.C.; Abbott, J. K.; Endecott, B.
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    Effects of Exposure to Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide.
    Federal Aviation Admin., Oklahoma City, OK
    National Research Council. Physiological and Toxicological Aspects of Combustion Products: International Symposium. March 18-20, 1974, Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, 75-88 p., 1976