FireDOC Search

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  • Soderstrom, E. J.; Sorensen, J. H.; Copenhaver, E. D.; Cranes, S. A.
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    Risk Perception in an Interest Group Context: An Examination of the TMI Restart Issue.
    Oak Ridge National Lab., TN
    Risk Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 3, 231-244, 1984
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC; Department of Energy, Washington, DC; Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, TN,

  • Rogers, G. O.; Sorensen, J. H.
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    Warning and Response in Two Hazardous Materials Transportaion Accidents in the U.S.
    Oak Ridge National Lab., TN
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 22, No. 1, 57-74, 1989

  • Mileti, D. S.; Sorensen, J. H.
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    Communication of Emergency Public Warnigs. A Social Science Perspective and State-of-the-Art Assessment.
    Colorado State Univ., Boulder; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC; Department of Energy, Washington, DC, ORNL-6609, August 1990, 161 p.

  • Sorensen, J. H.
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    When Shall We Leave? Factors Affecting the Timing of Evacuation Departures.
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
    International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, Vol. 9, No. 2, 153-165, August 1991

  • Sorensen, J. H.; Mileti, D. S.
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    Warning and Evacuation: Answering Some Basic Questions.
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN; Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO
    Industrial Crisis Quarterly, Vol. 2, No. 3/4, 195-209, 1988

  • Sorensen, J. H.; Vogt, B. M.; Mileti, D. S.
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    Evacuation: An Assessment of Planning and Research.
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN
    ORNL-6376, 1987, 209 p.