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Elliot, P. J.; Whiteley, R. H.; Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Steady State Analysis of Cone Calorimeter Data.Raychem Ltd., Swindon, UKInterscience Communications Limited. Fire and Materials. 4th International Conference and Exhibition. Proceedings. November 15-16, 1995, Crystal City, VA, 35-42 p., 1995Staggs, J. E. J.; Whiteley, R. H.
view article (1.0)Modelling the Combustion of Solid-Phase Fuels in Cone Calorimeter Experiments.Raychem Ltd., Swindon, UKInterscience Communications Ltd.; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Building Research Establishment; and Society of Fire Protection Engineers; Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interflam '96. International Interflam Conference, 7th Proceedings. March 26-28, 1996, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, England, Franks, C. A.; Grayson, S., Editors, 103-112 p., 1996Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Discussion of Modelling Idealised Ablative Materials With Particular Reference to Fire Testing.University of Leeds, UKFire Safety Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1, 47-66, February 1997Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Modelling the Effect of Solid-Phase Additives on Thermal Degradation Solids.University of Leeds, UKFire Retardanty of Polymeric Materials, 6th European Meeting. F.R.P.M. '97. Proceedings. Lectures. LCAPS, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL) and Centre de Recherche et d'Etude sur les Procedes d'Ignifugation des Materlaux (CREPIM). September 24-26, 1997, Lille, France, Bourbigot, S.; LeBras, M.; Delobel, R., Editors, 13-14 p., 1997Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Theory for Quasi-Steady Single-Step Thermal Degradation of Polymers.Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UKFire and Materials, Vol. 22, No. 3, 109-118, May/June 1998Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Modelling Thermal Degradation of Polymers Using Signle-Step First-Order Kinetics.Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UKFire Safety Journal, Vol. 32, No. 1, 17-34, February 1999Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Simplified Mathematical Model for the Pyrolysis of Polymers With Inert Additives.Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UKFire Safety Journal, Vol. 32, No. 3, 221-240, April 1999Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Modelling Pyrolysis of Char Forming Polymers.Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UKVolume 1,Interscience Communications Ltd.; National Institute of Standards and Technology; Building Research Establishment; and Society of Fire Protection Engineers; Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interflam 1999. (Interflam '99). International Interflam Conference, 8th Proceedings. Volume 1. June 29-July 1, 1999, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Edinburgh, Scotland, 167-179 p., 1999Staggs, J. E. J.; Whiteley, R. H.
view article (1.0)Modelling the Combustion of Solid-Phase Fuels in cone Calorimeter Experiments.Raychem Ltd., Swindon, UKFire and Materials, Vol. 23, 63-69, March/April 1999Staggs, J. E. J.
view article (1.0)Simple Model of Polymer Pyrolysis Including Transport of Volatiles.Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UKFire Safety Journal, Vol. 34, No. 1, 69-80, February 2000