FireDOC Search

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  • Hill, B. J.; McIlhagger, R.; Shields, J.; Silcock, G.; Stephens, G. G.
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    Characteristics of Smoke in Different Thermal Regimes.
    Ulster Univ., Jordonstown, Northern Ireland
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 13, 1-315, March 1988
    Interflam '88. Research Into Practice. 4th International Fire Conference. Conference Workbook. Organised Jointly by Interflam Conferences Ltd. and the Fire Research Station of the Building Research Establishment, in Association With the Royal Institute of British Architects and With EEC Recognition. March 22-24, 1988., John Wiley and Sons, New York, Cambridge, England, Rogers, S. P. and Quarterman, R. M.,, Editors, 61-68 p., 1988

  • McIlhagger, R.; Hill, B. J.; Stephens, G. G.
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    Smoke Generation From Polypropylene in Different Thermal Environments.
    Ulster Univ., Jordanstown, Northern Ireland
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 14, No. 1, 19-22, March 1989

  • McIlhagger, R.; Hill, B. J.; Stephens, G. G.
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    Effect of PE Film Sample Dimensions on Burning Properties.
    Ulster Univ., UK
    Plastics and Rubber Processing and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 2, 125-127, 1989