FireDOC Search

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  • Stone, N. H.; Boswick, J. A.; Johnson, H. A.
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    Profiles of Burn Management. Part 5. Complications Associated With Burns.
    Northwestern University Medical School, Rockford, IL
    Industrial Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 37, 903-912, December 1968

  • Stone, N. H.; Boswick, J. A., Jr.
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    Profiles of Burn Management. Part 3. Definitive Initial Care.
    Northwestern University Medical Center
    Industrial Medicine and Surgery, 747-749, October 1968

  • Stone, N. H.; Boswick, J. A., Jr.
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    Specialized Burn Care.
    Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL; University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago
    Surgical Clinics of North America. Proceedings on Surgery of Burns. Three (3) Year Cumulative Index (1968, 1969 and 1970). Volume 50. No. 6. December 1970, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1437-1446 p., 1970

  • Stone, N. H.; Boswick, J. A.
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    Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL
    Industrial Medicine and Surgery, August/December 1968
    Profiles of Burn Management, Industrial Medicine Publishing Co., Inc., Miami, FL, Stone, N. H.; Boswich, J. A.; Johnson, H. A.; Khalili, A. A.; Betts, H. B., Editors, 57 p., 1969