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  • O'Rourke, T. K.; Toprak, S.; Sano, Y.
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    Factors Affecting Water Supply Damage Caused by the Northridge Earthquake.
    Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY; Konoike Construction Co., Osaka, Japan
    U.S./Japan Work on Earthquake Disater Prevention for Lifeline Systems, 7th Proceedings. November 4-7, 1997, Seattle, WA, Ballantyne, D., Editors, 57-70 p., 1998

  • Holzer, T. L.; Barka, A. A.; Carver, D.; Celebi, M.; Cranswick, E.; Dawson, T.; Dieterich, J. H.; Ellsworth, W. L.; Fumal, T.; Gross, J. L.; Lamgride, R.; Lettis, W. R.; Meremonte, M.; Mueller, C.; Olsen, R. S.; Ozel, O.; Parsons, T.; Phan, L. T.; Rockwell, T.; Safak, E.; Stein, R. S.; Stenner, H.; Toda, S.; Toprak, S.
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    Implications for Earthquake Risk Reduction in the United States From the Kocaeli, Turkey, Earthquake on August 17, 1999.
    Geological Survey, Denver, CO; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1193, 2000, 69 p.