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Peterson, H. B.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Navy's Response to the "Forrestal" Disaster and Future Carrier Survivability from Fire.Naval Research Lab., Washington DC26 p.Peterson, H. B.; Tuve, R. L.; Jablonski, E. J.; Neill, R. R.; Bertschy, A. W.; Gipe, R. L.
view article (1.0)Fire Equipment Tests Aboard the CVA-62 Related to Improve Aircraft Carrier Safety.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNaval Ship Systems Command, Washington, DC, NRL Memorandum 1851; NRL Problem C05-19, January 30, 1968, 61 p.Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Surface Active Considerations in Fuel Fires.Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MDAGARD-CP-84-71,Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD). Aircraft Fuels, Lubricants, and Fire Safety. 37th Meeting of the AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel. AGARD-CP-84-71. May 10-14, 1971., The Hague, Netherlands, 26/1-4 p., 1971Peterson, H. B.; Jablonski, E. J.; Neill, R. R.; Gipe, R. L.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Full-Scale Fire Modeling Test Studies of 'Light Water' and Protein Type Foams.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNaval Air Systems Command, Washington,DC, NRL-6573, August 15, 1967, 65 p.Bertschy, A. W.; Moran, H. E.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Lithium Chloride Solution for Fire Extinguishers Exposed to Low Temperatures.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL Report 4853, October 19, 1956, 10 p.Tuve, R. L.; Peterson, H. B.; Jablonski, E. J.; Neill, R. R.
view article (1.0)New Vapor-Securing Agent for Flammable-Liquid Fire Extinguishment.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL Report 6057, March 13, 1964, 47 p.Neill, R. R.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of Certain Aspects of Multipurpose Powder Fire Extinguishing Agents.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL 5799, July 16, 1962, 20 p.Peterson, H. B.; Jablonski, E. J.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Studies on the Fuel-Ignition-Suppression Capability of Foam-Covered Runways for Aircraft.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL 5492, July 22, 1960, 67 p.Jablonski, E. J.; Peterson, H. B.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Study of the Characteristics of Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems in Controlling Full-Scale Fires.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL 5139, June 11, 1958, 47 p.Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)NFPA TXT-2,Principles of Fire Protection Chemistry, NFPA, Quincy, MA, 277 p., 1976