FireDOC Search

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  • Kolesar, P.; Walker, W.; Hausner, J.
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    Determining the Relation Between Fire Engine Travel Times and Travel Distances in New York City.
    City College, New York; New York City Rand Institute, New York
    Operations Research, Vol. 23, No. 4, 614-627, July/August 1975

  • Carter, G.; Ignall, E.; Walker, W.
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    Simulation Model of the New York City Fire Department: Its Use in Deployment Analysis.
    New York City Rand Institute, NY
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, P-5110-1, July 1975, 57 p.

  • Chaiken, J. M.; Ignall, E.; Walker, W.
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    Training Course in Deployment of Emergency Services: Instructor's Manual.
    New York City Rand Institute, NY
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, R-1784/1-HUD, July 1975, 181 p.

  • Kolesar, P.; Walker, W.
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    Measuring the Travel Characteristics of New York City's Fire Companies.
    New York City Rand Institute, NY
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, R-1449-NYC, April 1974, 41 p.

  • Hausner, J.; Walker, W.
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    Analysis of the Deployment of Fire Fighting Resources in Yonkers, New York.
    New York City Rand Institute, NY
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, R-1566/2-HUD/CY, October 1974, 69 p.

  • Dormont, P.; Hausner, J.; Walker, W.
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    Firehouse Site Evaluation Model: Description and User's Manual.
    New York City Rand Institute, NY
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, R-1618/2-HUD, June 1975, 192 p.

  • Hausner, J.; Walker, W.
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    Analysis of the Deployment of Fire Fighting Resources in Trenton, New Jersey.
    New York City Rand Institute, NY
    Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC, R-1566/1-TRNTN, February 1975, 73 p.