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Wolanski, P.
view article (1.0)Dust Explosion Research and the Explosion Hazard Evaluation for Combustible Mixtures in Poland.Warsaw Univ. of Technology, PolandNational Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts. July 15-18, 1986., Washington, DC, 125-140 p., 1987Fangrat, J.; Wolanski, P.
view article (1.0)One-Dimensional Analytical Model of Flame Spread Over Solids.Building Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland; Instytut Techniki Cieplnej, Warsaw, PolandJournal of Fire Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 5, 424-437, September/October 1991Klemens, R.; Kosinski, P.; Wolanski, P.; Korobeinikov, V. P.; Markov, V. V.; Menshov, I. S.; Semenov, I. V.
view article (1.0)Numerical Modelling of Coal Mine Explosion.Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; Russian Academy of ScienceHazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, 3rd International Symposium. Proceedings. Jointly Organized by: National Institute for Resources and Environment (NIRE), National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research (NIMC), National Institute of Industrial Safety (NIIS), National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster (NRIFD), Research Institute for Safety Engineering (RISE), Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering of Japan (APPIE), Warsaw University of Technology and Committee of Thermodynamic and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Science. October 23-27, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan, 103-108 p., 2000Otsuka, T.; Wolanski, P.
view article (1.0)Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Analyze of the Flame Structure.National Institute of Industrial Safety Ministry of Labor, Tokyo, Japan; Warsaw University of Technology, PolandHazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions, 3rd International Symposium. Proceedings. Jointly Organized by: National Institute for Resources and Environment (NIRE), National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research (NIMC), National Institute of Industrial Safety (NIIS), National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster (NRIFD), Research Institute for Safety Engineering (RISE), Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering of Japan (APPIE), Warsaw University of Technology and Committee of Thermodynamic and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Science. October 23-27, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan, 138-143 p., 2000