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Yamamoto, I.; Sato, K.; Yamashika, S.
view article (1.0)Extinguishment of Liquefied Gas Fires by Liquid Nitrogen. (Abstract Only in English)Report of Fire Research Institute of Japan, No. 62, 73-78, September 1986Yamashika, S.
view article (1.0)Dependence of Extinction Time and Decomposition of Halogenated Extinguishing Agent on its Application Rate.Fire Research Inst., Tokyo, JapanNational Research Council. Appraisal of Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Agents. April 11-12, 1972, Washington, DC, 326-335 p., 1972Yamashika, S.; Yumoto, T.
view article (1.0)Various Measurement Methods on Fire Research.Fire Research Inst., Tokyo, JapanNBSIR 85-3118,National Bureau of Standards. 7th Joint Panel Meeting of the UJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety. October 24-28, 1983, Gaithersburg, MD, 537-546 p., ['1983', '1985']Yamashika, S.; Hosokai, R.; Morikawa, T.
view article (1.0)Poisonous Halogenated Gases Produced by the Thermal Decomposition of Halons Applied on Fires.Fire Research Institute, Tokyo, JapanReport of Fire Research Institute of Japan, No. 38, 1-8, 1974Yamashika, S.
view article (1.0)Studies on Dry Power Fire Extinguishing Agents. Part 4. The Range of Explosion for the Fuel-Air-Dry Powder System and the Extinguishing Effectiveness of Dry Powder Against Fires of Various Liquid Fuels.Fire Research Institute, Tokyo, JapanBulletin of the Fire Prevention Society of Japan, Vol. 20, No. 2, 29-36, February 1971Yamashika, S.
view article (1.0)Studies on the Required Quantity of Various Fire Extinguishing Agents. Part 3. The Case of Open Tray. [ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH]Report of Fire Research Institute of Japan, Vol. 33, 5-10, 1971Yamashika, S.
view article (1.0)Studies on the Required Quantity of Various Fire Extinguishing Agents. Part 4. The Case of Fire Fighting Foam. [ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH]Report of Fire Research Institute of Japan, Vol. 33, 11-15, 1971Yamashika, S.
view article (1.0)Studies on the Required Quantity of Various Fire Extinguishing Agents. Part 5. The Planning of Fire Extinguishing System. [ONLY ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH]Report of Fire Research Institute of Japan, Vol. 33, 16-20, 1971