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  • Zang, Y.; Street, R. L.; Koseff, J. R.
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    Dynamic Mixed Subgrid-Scale Model and Its Application to Turbulent Recirculating Flows.
    Stanford Univ., CA
    Physics of Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 12, 3186-3196, December 1993

  • Shafirovich, E.; Zhou, C.; Mukasyan, A. S.; Varma, A.; Kshirsagar, G.; Zang, Y.; Cannon, J. C.
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    Combustion Fluctuations in Low-Exothermic Condensed Systems for Emergency Oxygen Generation.
    Notre Dame Univ., IN; B/E Aerospace Inc., Lenexa, KS
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 135, No. 4, 557-561, December 2004