displaying 1 - 10 results in total 43
Howorth, R.
view article (1.0)Air Sampling Smoke Detector System.Consultant, EnglandFire Surveyor, Vol. 14, No. 3, 18-23, June 1985Purnell, C. J.; West, N. G.; Brown, R. H.
view article (1.0)Colourimetric and X-Ray Analysis of Gases Collected on Diffusive Samplers.Health and Safety Executive, London, EnglandChemistry and Industry, No. 17, 594-599, September 5, 1981Hartnell, K.
view article (1.0)VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus)--Air Sampling Smoke Detecting System.Hartnell Alarm Control Ltd., Wallsend, EnglandUniversity of Edinburgh. Recent Developments in Fire Detection and Suppression Systems. (With Additional Papers From a Course of the Same Title--July 8-9, 1987). November 10-12, 1986, Edinburgh, Scotland, 42 p., 1987Burgess, W. A.; Treitman, R. D.; Gold, A.
view article (1.0)Air Contaminants in Structural Firefighting. Final Report.Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MANational Fire Prevention and Control Admin., Washington, DC; Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., New York, March 1979, 119 p.Mitchell, R. I.; Henry, W. M.; Henderson, N. C.
view article (1.0)Fabrication, Optimization, and Evaluation of a Massive Volume Air Sampler of Sized Respirable Particulate Matter. Final Report. November 1976-September 1977.Battelle Columbus Labs., OHEnvironmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC, EPA-600/4-78-031, June 1978, 111 p.Parnell, C. B.
view article (1.0)Dust Concentrations and Particle Size.Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TXGrain Elevator and Processing Society. International Symposium on Grain Dust Explosions. Proceedings. October 4-6, 1977, Grain Elevator and Processing Soc., Minnapolis, MN, Kansas City, MO, 37-61 p., 1977Drake, A.
view article (1.0)Detecting Incipient Fires--A New Approach.Matthew Hall Merrol Detection Design GroupFire Surveyor, Vol. 18, No. 5, 5-11, October 1989Skala, G. F.
view article (1.0)IFD II--A New Generation Fire Detection System.Environment/One Corp., Schenectady, NYUniversity of Duisburg. International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection "AUBE '89", 9th. September 26-28, 1989, Duisburg, West Germany, Luck, H., Editors, 181-197 p., 1989American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
view article (1.0)American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, OHAir Sampling Instruemnts for Evaluation of Atomospheric Contaminants. 4th Edition, Am. Conf. of Govt., Industrial Hygienists, OH, 586 p., 1972Lodge, J. P., Jr.
view article (1.0)Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis.Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis. 3rd Edition, Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI, Lodge, J. P., Jr., Editors, 779 p., 1989