FireDOC Search

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  • Maule, M. M.
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    Product Improvement Test of Alternate Propellant Candidate EXP 1678B for 7.62-MM M80 Ball and M62 Tracer Cartridges. Final Report. May 29, 1980-March 9, 1981.
    Material Testing Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    APG-MT-5507, April 1981, 65 p.

  • Miller, F. H.; Kertis, P. E.
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    Development Test II (PQT-G) of Container, Shipping and Storage, SM621, for 25-MM Ammunition (Follow-On Test). Final Report.
    Material Testing Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    APG-MT-5502, March 1981, 50 p.

  • Finnerty, A. E.
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    Extinguishing Ammunition Fires. Final Report.
    Army Ballistic Research Lab., Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    ARBRL-TR-02410, July 1982, 30 p.

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Manual on NATO Safety Principles for the Storage of Ammunition and Explosives, 1976. Part 1.
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels, Belgium
    NATO-AC/258-D/258-PT-1, October 1976, 87 p.

  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    view article (1.0)

    Manual on NATO Safety Principles for the Storage of Ammunition and Explosives, 1977. Part 2.
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Brussels, Belgium
    NATO-AC/258-D/258-PT-2, August 1977, 74 p.

  • Loyd, R. A.
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    Fire Protection Systems Utilized in United States Army Ammunition Plants (Ultra High Speed Deluge Systems). Final Report.
    Army Armament Munitions and Chemical Command Safety Office, Rock Island, IL
    Final Report, November 30, 1987, 49 p.
    Australian Explosives Safety Seminar, 2nd. November 30, 1987-December 2, 1987, Canberra, Australia, 1987

  • Sebastian, L. J.; Forrest, R. C.; Malinauskas, M.; Clark, T.; Kimball, L.; Webster, W.; Knoche, C.
    view article (1.0)

    Analysis of Packing Methods for Ammunition Storge and Transportation (APMAST).
    Army Material Systems Analysis Activity, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
    AMSAA-TR-142, February 1977, 74 p.

  • Hampton, H.
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    Facts About Sporting Ammunition Fires.
    Manufacturers Institute, Inc.
    Fire Journal, Vol. 71, No. 1, 5-9,29, January 1977

  • U.S. Department of Defense
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    DOD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards; Quantity Distance Standards.
    Department of Defense, Washington, DC
    Federal Register, Vol. 42, No. 31, 9169-9174, Tuesday, February 15, 1977

  • Klapmeier, K. M.
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    Recent Advances in High Speed Detection Systems for Ammunition Plants.
    Detector Electronics Corp., Minneapolis, MN
    Minutes of the Explosives Safety Seminar, 21st. August 28-30, 1984, Houston, TX, 627-644 p., 1984