FireDOC Search

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  • Gangloff, H. J.; Milks, D.; Maloney, K. L.; Adams, T. N.; Matula, R. A.
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    Experimental and Mechanistic Study of the Reactions of COF2 With H2 and With CO.
    Drexel Univ., Philadelphia, PA
    Combustion Institute/Central States Section and Western States Sections (Joint Meeting). Flammability and Burning Characteristics of Materials and Fuels. April 21-22, 1975, San Antonio, TX, 1-47 p., 1975

  • Trotman-Dickenson, A. F.; Milne, G. S.
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    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    Edward Davies Chemical Lab., Aberystwyth, Wales, NSRDS-NBS 9,
    Tables of Bimolecular Gas Reactions. NSRDS-NBS 9. National Standard Reference Data Series-National Bureau of Standards 9, 133 p., 1967

  • Rehm, R. G.; Baum, H. R.; Tang, H. C.; Lozier, D. C.
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    Finite-Rate Diffusion-Controlled Reaction in a Vortex.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 91, No. 1-3, 143-161, 1993

  • Patrick, C. R.
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    Factors Involved in the Degradation of Polymers in Melts.
    University of Birmingham, England
    NBS SP 357,
    National Bureau of Standards. Mechanisms of Pyrolysis, Oxidation, and Burning of Organic Materials. 4th Proceedings of the Materials Research Symposium. October 26-29, 1970, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, Wall, L. A., Editors, 33-45 p., 1972

  • Vaithianathan, T.; Ulitsky, M.; Collins, L. R.
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    Comparison Between a Spectral and Probability Density Function Model for Turbulent Reacting Flows.
    Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, PA; Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM; Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 2. July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 2139-2146 p., 2002