FireDOC Search

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  • Bertelli, G.; Costa, L.; Fenza, S.; Marchetti, E.; Camino, G.; Locatelli, R.
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    Thermal Behavior of Bromine-Metal Fire Retardant Systems.
    Himont Italia, Ferrara, Italy; Instituto di Chimica Macromolecolare dell Universita, Torino, Italy
    Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 20, 295-314, 1988

  • Bertelli, G.; Locatelli, R.; Camino, G.; Costa, L.
    view article (1.0)

    New Fire Retardant System Based on Melamine Hydrobromide.
    Himont Research Center, Ferrara, Italy; Turin Univ., Italy
    China Ordnance Society. International Symposium on Flame Retardants Proceedings. November 1-5, 1989, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, Yuxiang, O. and Minxiu, Z., Editors, 19-25 p., 1989

  • Parker, W. J.; Jenkins, R. J.
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    Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Bismuth Telluride in the Presence of a 2 Mev Electron Beam.
    Naval Radiological Defense Lab., San Francisco, CA
    Advanced Energy Conversion, Vol. 2, 87-103, January/June 1962

  • Jasinski, S. M.
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    Bismuth: Uses, Supply, and Technology.
    Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC
    IC 9312, 1992, 20 p.

  • Caldwell, F. R.
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    Thermocouple Materials.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    NBS Monograph 040, March 1, 1962, 47 p.