FireDOC Search

displaying 1 - 10 results in total 59

  • Blake, D. R.
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    Suppression and Control of Class C Cargo and Compartment Fires. Final Report. August 1983-June 1984.
    Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City, NJ
    DOT/FAA/CT-84/21, February 1985, 31 p.

  • Cheaney, E. S.; Coyle, A. J.
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    System Safety Analysis of a Commercial Vessel.
    Battelle Columbus Labs., Columbus, OH
    Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, BATT-G-2955-0001; USCG-D-39-77, November 1977, 130 p.

  • Dumbauld, R. K.; Saterlie, S. F.; Cheney, C. S.
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    Analysis of Multiple Source Obscurants on the Realistic Battlefield (AMSORB). Volume 1. Mathematical Models and Computer Program Description. Final Report.
    H. E. Cramer Co., Inc., Salt Lake City, UT
    Army Electronics Research and Development Command, Adelphi, MD, ERADCOM/ASL-CR-82-0122-1, May 1982, 213 p.

  • International Fire Service Training Association
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    Aircraft Fire Protection and Rescue Procedures. 2nd Edition.
    International Fire Service Training Assoc., Stillwater, OK
    IFSTA 206, 1978, 244 p.

  • Sheehan, D. F.
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    Survey of Polymer Use in International Shipping.
    Coast Guard, Washington, DC
    American Chemical Society. National Symposium on Fire Safety Aspects of Polymeric Materials. June 6-8, 1977, Washington, DC, 1-31 p., 1977

  • Hayward, E. T.
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    Developments in Ship Fire-Fighting Procedures.
    H. M. Inspector of Fire Services, Britain
    Fire International, Vol. 5, No. 52, 18-21, June 1976

  • Blake, D. R.
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    Fire Hazards of Aerosol Cans in Aircraft Cargo Compartments. Final Report.
    Federal Aviation Admin., Atlantic City Airport, NJ
    DOT/FAA/CT-89/32, December 1989, 21 p.

  • Nollen, D. A.; Geisendorfer, G. T.; Galvin, T. J.
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    Development of Fire Resistant Cargo Liners for Commerical Aircraft.
    E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE; Fiberite Corp., Tempe, AZ; ICI Americas, Wilmington, DE
    Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE). Materials--Pathway to the Future. International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, 33rd. Volume 33. March 7-10, 1988, SAMPE, Covina, CA, Anaheim, CA, Carrillo, G., Newell, E. D., Brown, W. D. and Phelan, P., Editors, 1519-1530 p., 1988

  • Wilson, R. P.; Attalah, S.
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    Design Criteria for Flame Control Devices for Cargo Venting Systems. Final Report.
    Little, (Arthur D.) Inc., Cambridge, MA
    Coast Guard, Washington, DC, USCG-D-157-75, August 1975, 54 p.

  • U.S. Department of Transportation
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    Carriage of Certain Hazardous Materials on Cargo-Only Aircraft as Only Means of Transportation.
    Department of Transportation, Washington, DC
    Federal Register, Vol. 40, No. 242, 58284-58286, Tuesday, December 16, 1975