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Jumppanen, U. M.; Diederichs, U.; Hinrichsmeyer, K.
view article (1.0)Material Properties of F-Concrete at High Temperatures.Technical Research Centre of Finland, EspooVTT Research Report 452, November 1986, 60 p.Hassell, J. A.; Hattery, G. R.; Outterson, G. G.
view article (1.0)Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Additives for Chemical Decontamination. Final Report.Battelle Columbus Labs., Columbus, OHArmy Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, UT, DPG-CR-85-902, April 1986, 74 p.Wear, J. D.; Jones, R. E.; Trout, A. M.; McBride, B. J.
view article (1.0)Combustion Gas Properties. Part 2. Natural Gas Fuel and Dry Air.NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OHNational Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washigton, DC, NASA TP-2435, April 1985, 9 p.Shafizadeh, F.
view article (1.0)Final Report on Project: Chemistry of Smoldering Combustion and Its Control. September 30, 1981-September 29, 1982.Montana Univ., MissoulaNational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, November 24, 1982, 6 p.Dieck, R. L.; Quinn, E. J.
view article (1.0)Flame and Smoke Properties of the Polyphosphazenes. Part 4. Effects of Copolymer Compositions.Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, PAJournal of Fire and Flammability, Vol. 8, 412-422, October 1977Flammability of Solid Plastics. Part 2. Volume 17. Fire and Flammability Series, Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Westport, CT, Hilado, C. J.,, Editors, 158-168 p., 1981Roth, A. J.
view article (1.0)Development and Evaluation of an Airplane Fuel Tank Ullage Composition Model. Volume 2. Experimental Determination of Airplane Fuel Tank Ullage Compositions. Final Report. November 1985-December 1986.Boeing Military Airplane Co., Seattle, WAAir Force Wright Aeronautical Labs., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-87-2060, October 1987, 116 p.Fuchs, P.; Szepesy, C.
view article (1.0)Pyrolyse-Gas-Chromatographie: Analysis of Polystyrene and Related Resins by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography.Hungarian Oil and Gas Research Inst. (MAFKI), VeszpremChromatographia, Vol. 1, No. 7+8, 310-314, 1968Hagen, E.
view article (1.0)Composition of Combustion Gases of Polyurethane Foams and Polycarbonate.German Academy of Sciences, Berlin, GermanyPlastics and Rubber (Plaste und Kautschuk), No. 6, 391-392, 1967FTD-HT-23-1474-68,Ashida, K.; Frisch, K. C.
view article (1.0)Modified Isocyanurate Foams. Part 1. Epoxy-Modified Isocyanurate Foams.Detroit Univ., MIAdvances in Urethane Science and Technology. Volume 2. 1973., Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Westport, CT, Frisch, K. C. and Reegen, S. L.,, Editors, 241-254 p., 1973Ashida, K.; Frisch, K. C.
view article (1.0)Modified Isocyanurate Foams. Part 2. Preparation and Properties of Epoxy-Isocyanurate Foams by Means of a Two-Step Process.Detroit Univ., MIJournal of Cellular Plastics, 194-200, July/August 1972Advances in Urethane Science and Technology. Volume 2. 1973., Technomic Publishing Co., Inc., Westport, CT, Frisch, K. C. and Reegen, S. L.,, Editors, 255-268 p., 1973