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Laderman, A. J.
view article (1.0)Detonability of Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixtures in Large Vessels.California Univ., BerkeleyNational Aeronautics and Space Admin., Washington, DC,Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Spring Meeting, 1965. April 21-23, 1965, Hollywood, CA, 1-62 p., 1965Dove, J. E.; Scroggie, B. J.; Semerjian, H.
view article (1.0)Velocity Deficits and Detonability Limits of Hydrogen-Oxygen Detonations.Toronto Univ., CanadaActa Astronautica, Vol. 1, 345-359, 1974Bollinger, L. E.
view article (1.0)Detonability of Combustible Mixtures.Ohio State Univ., ColumbusAFOSR 66-0342, 1965, 34 p.Environmental Effects on Aircraft and Propulsion Systems, 5th Annual National Conference. September 20-22, 1965, Princeton, NJ, 1965VanDolah, R. W.; Zabetakis, M. G.; Burgess, D. S.; Scott, G. S.
view article (1.0)Review of Fire and Explosion Hazards of Flight Vehicle Combustibles. Information Circular.Burau of Mines, Philadelphia, PAAir Force, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, Project 6075; Task 61126; Information Circular, 1961, 125 p.Burgess, D.; Grumer, J.; Zabetakis, M. G.
view article (1.0)Research on the Fire and Explosion Hazards Associated With New Liquid Propellants. Final Progress Report No. 9. May 1-August 31, 1961.Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PANAonr-8-61, 1961, 20 p.Hasegawa, K.; Hosoya, F.; Yoshida, T.
view article (1.0)Study on the Detonability of Methyl Hydroperoxide.Fire Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan; Hosoya Kako Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan; Hosei Univ., Tokyo, JapanReport of Fire Research Institute of Japan, No. 78, 100-116, September 1994Nakamura, M.; Tano, T.; Hasegawa, K.; Yoshida, T.
view article (1.0)Explosion Accident of Rectification Tower Caused by an Organic-Perioxide.Report of National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, No. 86, 37-50, September 1998Bykov, V.; Goldfarb, I.; Goldshtein, V.; Kagan, L.; Sivashinsky, G.
view article (1.0)Effects of Hydraulic Resistance and Heat Losses on Detonability and Flammability Limits.Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel; Tel-Aviv Univ., Tel Aviv, IsraelCombustion Theory Modelling, Vol. 8, No. 2, 413-424, June 2004Stamps, D. W.; Slezak, S. E.; Tieszen, S. R.
view article (1.0)Observations of the Cellular Structure of Fuel-Air Detonations.Evansville Univ., IN; Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NMCombustion and Flame, Vol. 144, No. 1/2, 289-298, January 2006