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Anderson, C. L.
view article (1.0)Vulnerability Methodology and Protective Measures for Aircraft Fire and Explosion Hazards. Volume 3. On-Board Inert Gas Generator System (OBIGGS) Studies. Part 1. OBIGGS Ground Performance Tests. Final Report. August 1982 to July 1984.Boeing Military Airplane Co., Seattle, WAAero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-85-2060; D180-28862-1, January 1986, 187 p.Desmarais, L. A.
view article (1.0)Vulnerability Methodology and Protective Measures for Aircraft Fire and Explosion Hazards. Volume 2. Aircraft Engine Nacelle Fire Test Programs. Part 2. Small Scale Testing of Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishants. Final Report. February 1981 to October 1984.Boeing Military Airplane Co., Seattle, WAAero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-85-2060, January 1986, 47 p.Grenich, A. F.
view article (1.0)Vulnerability Methodology and Protective Measures for Aircraft Fire and Explosion Hazards. Volume 1. Executive Summary. Final Report. February 1981 to October 1984.Boeing Military Airplane Co., Seattle, WAAero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFAW-TR-85-2060, January 1986, 39 p.Desmarais, L. A.; Yaygle, W. J.; Grenich, A. F.
view article (1.0)Vulnerability Methodology and Protective Measures for Aircraft Fire and Explosion Hazards. Final Report. February 1981-October 1984.Boeing Military Airplane Co., Seattle, WAAFWAL-TR-85-2063, January 1986, 142 p.Johnson, A. M.; Grenich, A. F.
view article (1.0)Vulnerability Methodology and Protective Measures for Aircraft Fire and Explosion Hazards. Volume 2. Aircraft Engine Nacelle Fire Test Program. Part 1. Fire Detection, Fire Extinguishment and Surface Ignition Studies. Final Report. February 1981 to October 1984.Boeing Military Airplane Co., Seattle, WAAero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-85-2060, January 1986, 292 p.Forsen, R.
view article (1.0)Explosion Hazard and Protection in Paper Mill Recovery Boilers.National Defence Research Inst., Stockholm, SwedenFOA Report C20638-2.6, December 1986, 33 p.Crowhurst, D.; Beever, P. F.
view article (1.0)Fire and Explosion Hazards Associated With the Redevelopment of Contaminated Land.Fire Research Station, Borehamwood, EnglandBRE IP 02/87, April 1987, 4 p.Botteri, B. P.
view article (1.0)Aircraft Fire Protection Technology.Air Force Aero-Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OHAGARD-CP-166,Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD). Aircraft Fire Safety. 45th Meeting of the AGARD Propulsion and Energetics Panel. AGARD-CP-166. April 11, 1975, Rome, Italy, Catiller, J. B., Editors, 18/1-15 p., 1975Eckhoff, R. K.; Parker, S. J.; Gruvin, B.; Hatcher, M.; Johansson, T.
view article (1.0)Ignitability and Explosibility of Silicon Dust Clouds.Chr. Michelsen Inst., Bergen, Norway; Kema Nord Industrikemi, Ljungaverk, SwedenJournal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 133, No. 12, 2631-2637, December 1986National Materials Advisory Board
view article (1.0)NMAB-447,National Materials Advisory Board. Explosion Hazard Classification of Vapors, Gases, and Dusts, International Symposium. July 15-18, 1986, Washington, DC, 350 p., 1987