displaying 1 - 10 results in total 23
view article (1.0)Assessing the Flammability of Aerosols in Warehouses.Record, Vol. 64, No. 3, 3-10, May/June 1987American Institute of Chemical Engineers
view article (1.0)Fire and Explosion: Dow's Safety and Loss Prevention Guide Hazard Classification and Protection. Chemical Engineering Progress (CEP) Technical Manual.American Institute of Chemical Engineers, New York1973, 43 p.Weeks, D. E.
view article (1.0)England's Hazchem System.London Fire Dept., EnglandFire Command, Vol. 46, No. 5, 20-21, May 1979Milner, J.
view article (1.0)"Hazchem"--The principles, Interpretation and Application.London Fire Dept., EnglandInternational Fire Chief, Vol. 42, No. 1, 4-17, 1976Fire Engineering
view article (1.0)Board Sidetracks HI System to Study All Placard Proposals.Fire Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 8, 88-89, August 1975Persson, H.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of the RDD-Measuring Technique. RDD-Tests of the CEA and FMRC Standard Plastic Commodities.Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Boras, SwedenSP Report 1991:04; CIB W14/92/12 (S), 1991, 55 p.U.S. Department of the Army; U.S. Department of the Navy; U.S. Department of the Air Force; Defense Supply Agency
view article (1.0)Explosives Hazard Classification Procedures.Department of the Army, Washington, DC; Department of the Navy, Washington, DC; Department of the Air Force, Washington, DC; Defense Supply Agency, Washington, DCTB 700-2; NAVORDINST 8020.3; TO 11A-1-47; DSAR 8220.1, May 19, 1967, 23 p.Federal Fire Council
view article (1.0)Federal Fire Council, Washington, DCFederal Fire Council. Missile Silo Fire at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas and Fire Protection Problems for Special Atmospheres - Including Oxygen. Annual Meeting Minutes. April 5, 1967, Washington, DC, 40 p., 1967Elder, K. G.
view article (1.0)Do Haz-Mat Placards Tell the Whole Story?Tucker Environmental Consultants, Paducah, KYNFPA Fire Journal, Vol. 87, No. 2, 74-77, March/April 1993Yurconic, M.
view article (1.0)OSHA Based Approach to Safety Analysis for Nonradiological Hazardous Materials.Pacific Northwest Lab., Richland, WADepartment of Energy, Washington, DC, PNL-SN-21226,Safety Analysis Working Group. August 8-13, 1992, Salt Lake City, UT, 1-15 p., 1992