displaying 1 - 10 results in total 29
Levin, B. C.; Braun, E.; Gurman, J. L.; Paabo, M.
view article (1.0)Comparison of the Toxicity of the Combustion Products From a Flexible Polyurethane Foam and a Polyester Fabric Evaluated Separately and Together by the NBS Toxicity Test Method and a Cone Radiant Heater Toxicity Test Apparatus.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDConsumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC, NBSIR 86-3457, November 1986, 70 p.Casto, W. R.
view article (1.0)Selected Safety-Related Occurrences Reported in March and April 1977.Nuclear Safety, Vol. 18, No. 4, 548-552, July/August 1977Hilado, C. J.; Huttlinger, P. A.
view article (1.0)Comparison of Time to Death, Survival Time, and LT50.Product Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CAJournal of Combustion Toxicology, Vol. 8, 33-36, February 1981Kaufman, S.; Refi, J. J.; Anderson, R. C.
view article (1.0)Using Combustion Toxicity Data in Cable Selection.AT&T Bell Labs., Norcross, GA; Anderson Labs., Dedham, MAU.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command. International Wire and Cable Symposium, 37th. November 15-17, 1988, Reno, NV, 636-643 p., 1988Anderson, R. C.
view article (1.0)Registration Categories for Wire and Cable Products: Toxicity Study of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.Anderson Labs., Inc., Dedham, MAU.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command. International Wire and Cable Symposium, 37th. November 15-17, 1988, Reno, NV, 648-655 p., 1988Hilado, C. J.; Cumming, H. J.; Schneider, J. E.
view article (1.0)LC50 Values for Some Polymeric Materials.California Univ., San FranciscoJournal of Combustion Toxicology, Vol. 5, 5-108, February 1978Hartzell, G. E.; Emmons, H. W.
view article (1.0)Fractional Effective Dose Model for Assessment of Hazards Due to Smoke From Materials.Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, TX; Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MAQMC Fire and Materials Center in association with Fire Research Station. Fire: Control the Heat...Reduce the Hazard. International Conference. October 24-25, 1988, London, England, 13/1-6 pp, 1988 AND Fire Retardant Chemical Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys: Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. March 12-15, 1989, San Antonio, TX, 215-221 pp, 1089, 1988Purser, D. A.
view article (1.0)Application of Fractional Dose Modeling for Predicting Time to Incapacitation of Human Fire Victims.Huntingdon Research Center Ltd., Cambridgeshire, EnglandQMC Fire and Materials Center in association with Fire Research Station. Fire: Control the Heat...Reduce the Hazard. International Conference. October 24-25, 1988, London, England, 14/1-12 p., 1988Petrocelli, S. R.
view article (1.0)Aquatic Toxicological Testing.E G & G Bionomics, Wareham, MAFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Toxicity and the Products of Combustion. 4th Annual Meeting. March 20-23, 1977, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Washington, DC, Washington, DC, 23-39 p., 1977Woynerowski, S. P.
view article (1.0)Testing for Inhalation Toxicity of Combustion Products.Underwriters Labs., Northbrook, ILInternational Conference on Fire Safety, 14th. Volume 14. January 9-13, 1989, Products Safety Corp., Sunnyvale, CA, Millbrae, CA, 203-209 p., 1989