displaying 1 - 10 results in total 12
Wichman, I. S.
view article (1.0)Preliminary Analysis of Oil-Slick Combustion. Final Report.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDInterior Dept., Reston, VA, NBSIR 85-3266, November l985, 20 p.Munoz-Candelario, R.; Alvares, N. J.
view article (1.0)Definition of the Concentration Gradient Above Flammable Liquids.Puerto Rico Univ., Mayaguez; Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Livermore, CAASTM STP 882,American Society for Testing and Materials. Fire Safety: Science and Engineering. ASTM STP 882. June 26-27, 1984, Denver, CO., Harmathy, T. Z., Editors, 377-385 p., 1984Lee, B. T.
view article (1.0)Heat Release Rate Characteristics of Some Combustible Fuel Sources in Nuclear Power Plants.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDNuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, NBSIR 85-3195, July 1985, 52 p.Jeulink, J.
view article (1.0)Mitigation of the Evaporation of Liquids by Fire-Fighting Foams.Ministry of Home AffairsInstitution of Chemical Engineers. Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries. Volume 1. Safety in Operations and Processes. 4th International Symposium. EFCE Event No. 290. Symposium Series No. 80. September 12-16, 1983, Pergamon Press Inc., New York, NY, Harrogate, England, E12-E22 p., 1983Newman, J. S.; Hill, J. P.
view article (1.0)Assessment of Exposure Fire Hazards to Cable Trays.Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MAElectric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA, EPRI NP-1675, January 1981, 94 p.Modak, A. T.
view article (1.0)Ignitability of High-Fire-Point Liquid Spills. Final Report.Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MAElectric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA, EPRI NP-1731, March 1981, 85 p.Fire Command
view article (1.0)River of Fire.Fire Command, Vol. 42, No. 4, 50, April 1975Raj, P. K.
view article (1.0)Models for Cryogenic Liquid Spill Behavior on Land and Water.Technology and Management Systems, Inc., Burlington, MAJournal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, 111-130, October 1981Crampton, G. P.
view article (1.0)Use of Ni-Chrome Ribbon Wire to Determine the Dimensions of Unconfined Flammable Liquid Spill Fires.National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, OntarioIRC-IR-773, November 1998, 8 p.Tamanini, F.
view article (1.0)Engineering Predictions of Explosive Layer Formation in Flammable-Liquid Spills.FM Global Research, Norwood, MACombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 174, No. 11/12, 223-239, November/December 2002Mediterranean Combustion Sympsoium, 2nd. (MCS-02). Proceedings. Organized by Cairo University, Cosponsored by the Combustion Institute and the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer and Partially supported by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. January 6-11, 2002, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 2002