FireDOC Search

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  • Brzustowski, T. A.; McDonald, A. G.; Newman, J. A.
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    Heat Transfer From a Propane-Oxygen Flame Seeded With Aluminum Powder.
    Waterloo Univ., Canada; Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited, Chalk River, Ontario; Princeton Univ., NJ
    Defence Research Board of Canada, WSCI-66-2, 1966, 31 p.
    Combustion Institute/Western States Section. Spring Meeting, 1966. April 25-26, 1966, 1966

  • Fedoseyev, V. A.
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    Kinetics of Combustion of a Dispersed Metallic Fuel.
    Odessa State Univ., USSR
    Heat Physics and Heat Engineering (Russian), 160-162, 1964

  • Shafirovich, E.; Mukasyan, A. S.; Varma, A.; Kshirsagar, G.; Zhang, Y.; Cannon, J. C.
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    Mechanism of Combustion in Low-Exothermic Mixtures of Sodium Chlorate and Metal Fuel.
    University of Notre Dame, IN; B/E Aerospace Inc., Lenexa, KS
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 128, No. 1/2, 133-144, January 2002