displaying 1 - 10 results in total 73
Grosshandler, W. L.; Presser, C.; Lowe, D. L.; Rinkinen, W. J.
view article (1.0)Assessing Halon Alternatives for Aircraft Engine Nacelle Fire Suppression.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDJournal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 117, 489-494, May 1995Springer, R. J.; Sheath, P. H.; Robinson, S. P.; Smith, D. J. V.
view article (1.0)Advanced Ultra-Violet (UV) Aircraft Fire Detection System. Volume 1. System Description and Flight Test. Final Report. December 15, 1977-October 26, 1981.General Dynamics Fort Worth Div., TXAero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-82-2062, August 1982, 160 p.Fox, D. G.
view article (1.0)Development of Feasibility Demonstration Hardware for an Integrated Fire and Overheat Detection System. Final Report. June 1970-December 1971.Air Force Aero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OHAFAPL-TR-72-105, May 1973, 31 p.Johnson, A. M.
view article (1.0)Optical Fire Detector Testing in the Aircraft Engine Nacelle Fire Test Simulator. Final Report. July 1985-October 1986.Boeing Advanced Systems, Seattle, WAAir Force Wright Aeronautical Labs., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-87-2089, March 1988, 82 p.Johnson, A. M.
view article (1.0)Fire Extinguishing Agent Evaluation in the Aircraft Engine Nacelle Fire Test Simulator. Final Report. January 1985-March 1987.Boeing Advanced Systems, Seattle, WAAir Force Wright Aeronautical Labs., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFWAL-TR-88-2022, June 1988, 162 p.Lemon, L. H.; Tarpley, W. B.; Freeman, M. K.; Tuno, A. L.
view article (1.0)Persistent Fire Suppression for Aircraft Engines. Final Report. June 4, 1979-September 30, 1979.Energy and Minerals Research Co., Exton, PAAir Force Wright Aeronautical Labs., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFAPL-TR-79-2130, March 1980, 136 p.Hill, R. G.
view article (1.0)Flight Test of a Self-Generating Overheat Detection System. Final Report. October 1972-September 1975.Federal Aviation Admin., Atlantic City Airport, NJAir Force Aero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson, AFB, OH, AFAPL-TR-76-01, January 1976, 18 p.Linford, R. M. F.; Dillow, C. F.
view article (1.0)Optical Emission Properties of Aircraft Combustible Fluids. Final Technical Report. May 1972-August 1973.McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, MOAir Force Aero Propulsion Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, AFAPL-TR=73-83, August 6, 1973, 98 p.Mapes, D.
view article (1.0)Development and Technical Aspects of the Aircraft-Engine Nacelle Fire Extinguishing System.Walter Kidde and Co., Inc.U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Research and Evaluation Lab. Fire Extinguishment Research and Engineering Proceedings of the Symposium. November 16-18, 1954, Port Hueneme, CA, 137-161 p., 1954Hill, R.
view article (1.0)Feasibility of Detecting a Burner-Can Burn-Through by Means ofCO, CO2, Pressure, and Air Temperature Levels in a Jet Engine Nacelle. Final Report. January 1972-July 1973.Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City, NJFederal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC, FAA-RD-74-18, March 1974, 25 p.