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Chow, W. K.
view article (1.0)Area of Strategic Development in Construction: Engineering Performance-Based Fire Codes. Report 1 (Draft: October 1997): Review on the Fire Safety Codes for Buildings in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Possibility of Implementing Engineering Performance-Based Fire Codes.Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., KowloonReport 1, October 1997, 20 p.Meacham, B. J.
view article (1.0)Understanding Risk.Arup Risk Management, Westborough, MABuilding Tomorrow's Future (BTF) Conference 2001. Proceedings. Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB). Sponsored by: Standards Australia, BRANZ, Australian Window Association, Australian Greenhouse Office, Building Center of Japan, Plantation Timber Association, Master Builders, Australian Building Energy Council, Quantas, IRCC. April 9-11, 2000, Australia, 1-15 p., 2001Hadjisophocleous, G.; Zalok, E.
view article (1.0)Development of Design Fires for Commercial Buildings.Carleton Univ., Ontario, CanadaFire Safety Engineering International Conference 2004. Issues and Solutions. FSE2004. Proceedings. March 22-24, 2004, Sydney, Australia, 1-14 p., 2004Coelho, A. L.
view article (1.0)Analysis to the Fire Risk in Buildings.Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisboa, PortugalPerformance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 5th International Conference. Proceedings. October 6-8, 2004, Luxembourg, Almand, K.; Attlan, J. M.; D'Hoop, J. M.; Gordon, J.; Jonsson, R.; Kruppa, J., Editors, 250-261 p., 2004Coppola, G.; Ferrari, A.; Fiorentini, L.; Rossini, V.
view article (1.0)Fire Risk Analysis and Modelling of the Relevant Scenarios: Towards a Performance Based Fire Engineering and Protection Approach.Industrial Loss Control & Engineering s.r.l., Rho (Milan) Italy; Tecsa S.p.A., Pero (Milan) ItalyPerformance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 5th International Conference. Proceedings. October 6-8, 2004, Luxembourg, Almand, K.; Attlan, J. M.; D'Hoop, J. M.; Gordon, J.; Jonsson, R.; Kruppa, J., Editors, 262-268 p., 2004Koffel, W. E., Jr.; Gilyeat, S. S.; Mayl, E. N.; Aler, C. P.; Klepitch, D. L.; aaby, M. J.; Holloman, J. L.; Peake, L. A.; Webster, R. D.; Zimmerman, P.; Janes, G. G.; Shaw, J. E.
view article (1.0)Performance-Based Design Analysis: Seattle Transportation Center. (American Case Study.)Koffel Associates, Inc., Ellicott City, MDVolume 1,Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods, 5th International Conference. Proceedings. Volume 1: American Case Study. October 6-8, 2004, Luxembourg, Almand, K.; Attlan, J. M.; D'Hoop, J. M.; Gordon, J.; Jonsson, R.; Kruppa, J., Editors, 173 p., 2004