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  • Andrus, R. D.; Chung, R. M.
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    Ground Improvement Techniques for Liquefaction Remediation Near Existing Lifelines.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    NISTIR 5714, October 1995, 87 p.

  • Andrus, R. D.; Chung, R. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Cost-Effective Ground Improvement for Liquefaction Remediation Near Existing Lifelines.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    U.S./Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects. Joint Meeting, 27th. Proceedings. May 16-19, 1995, Tsukuma, Japan, 115-123 p., 1995

  • Andrus, R. D.; Chung, R. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Liquefaction Remediation Near Existing Lifeline Structures.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Technical Report NCEER-96-0012; NCEER Task Number 95-2702A,
    Japan/U.S. Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures Against Soil Liquefaction, 6th Proceedings. National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research. June 11-13, 1996, National Center for Earthquake Engg. Res., NY, Tokyo, Japan, Hamada, M.; O'Rourke, T., Editors, 457-476 p., 1996