displaying 1 - 10 results in total 146
Clarke, F. B., III; Birky, M. M.
view article (1.0)Fire Safety in Dwellings and Public Buildings.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDBulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 57, No. 10, 1047-1060, December 1981CIB W14/82/26 (USA),Patton, A. J.
view article (1.0)Litigation in the Aftermath of Fires in Public Places.Rhode Island Univ., KingstonFire Journal, Vol. 80, No. 4, 51-55, 73, July 1986vanderWurff, A.
view article (1.0)Locations of Fear: Public Places, Fear of Crime, and Feelings of Insecurity.Amsterdam Univ., The NetherlandsSafety in the Built Environment. International Conference on Safety in the Built Environment (BUSI-88). July 13-15, 1988, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, New York, Portsmouth, England, Sime, J. D., Editors, 297-308 p., 1988Hogg, B.
view article (1.0)Fire in Places of Public Assembly.Norfolk Fire Service, EnglandFire International, Vol. 10, No. 100, 25-27,30, August/September l986Gerke, L. E.; Pushkin, K. A.
view article (1.0)Equivalent Fire Resistance of Public Buildings Constructions.CIB W14/86/34 (USSR), 1986, 5 p.Wetterlund, I.; Goransson, U.
view article (1.0)Full Scale Fire Test Method for Free-Hanging Curtain and Drapery Textiles.Swedish National Testing Institute, Boras, SwedenSP Report 1988:45, 1988, 26 p.Sime, J. D., Editor
view article (1.0)Safety in the Built Environment. International Conference on Safety in the Built Environment (BUSI-88). July 13-15, 1988.Safety in the Built Environment. International Conference on Safety in the Built Environment (BUSI-88). July 13-15, 1988, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, New York, Portsmouth, England, Sime, J. D., Editors, 381 p., 1988Geyer, T. A. W.; Bellamy, L. J.; Max-Lino, R.; Harrison, P. I.; Bahrami, Z.; Modha, B.
view article (1.0)Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Components of Informative Fire Warning Systems.Technical Ltd., London, EnglandSafety in the Built Environment. International Conference on Safety in the Built Environment (BUSI-88). July 13-15, 1988, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, New York, Portsmouth, England, Sime, J. D., Editors, 36-47 p., 1988Sime, J. D.; Kimura, M.
view article (1.0)Timing of Escape: Exit Choice Behavior in Fires and Building Evacuations.Portsmouth Polytechnic, EnglandSafety in the Built Environment. International Conference on Safety in the Built Environment (BUSI-88). July 13-15, 1988, Routledge, Chapman and Hall, New York, Portsmouth, England, Sime, J. D., Editors, 48-61 p., 1988Sixsmith, A. J.; Sixsmith, J. A.; Canter, D. V.
view article (1.0)When Is a Door Not a Door? A Study of Evacuation Route Identification in a Large Shopping Mall.EnglandSafety in the Built Environment. International Conference on Safety in the Built Environment (BUSI-88). July 13-15, 1988, Routledge, Chapman & Hall, New York, Portsmouth, England, Sime, J. D., Editors, 62-74 p., 1988