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view article (1.0)Development of Recommended Test Method for Toxicological Assessment of Inhaled Combustion Products. Final Report.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDProducts Research Committee, Washington, DC, NBSIR 80-2077, September 1980, 63 p.Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Improved Fire Safety from Flame Retardancy. Regulations, Standards, Test Methods, Toxicity and Representative Applications. Annual Meetings. November 7-9, 1979 and March 23-26, 1980, Williamsburg, VA, Washington, DC, 209-264 p., 1980Yanai, E.
view article (1.0)Ignitability of Carpets Using Cone Type Flammability Test Method (ISO/DTR 5657). (Only Abstract in English)Report of Fire Research Institute of Japan, No. 62, 23-31, September 1986Schleimann-Jensen, A.; Forsberg, K.
view article (1.0)New Test Method for Determination of Emissivity and Reflection Properties of Protective Materials Exposed to Radiant Heat.Scandiaconsult AB, Stockholm, Sweden; Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, SwedenASTM STP 900,ASTM. Performance of Protective Clothing. 1st International Symposium. ASTM STP 900. July 16-20, 1984, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Raleigh, NC, Barker, R. L.; Coletta, G. C., Editors, 376-386 p., 1984Lloyd, R. M.; Johnson, D.
view article (1.0)Galley and Overheat Compartment Experiment Results--Full Scale Transport Controlled Impact Demonstration. Final Report.RMS Technologies, Inc., Trevose, PAFederal Aviation Admin., Atlantic City Airport, NJ, DOT/FAA/CT-85/33, December 1985, 59 p.Lieff, M.
view article (1.0)Fire Resistant Coverings.County College of Morris, Dover, NJASTM STP 826,American Society for Testing and Materials. Fire Resistive Coatings: The Need for Standards. Sponsored by ASTM Committee E-6 on Performance of Building Constructions. ASTM Special Technical Publication 826. (ASTM STP 826). October 18, 1982, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Lieff, M.; Stumpf, F. M., Editors, 3-13 p., 1983Rigby, L. J.
view article (1.0)Collection and Identification of Toxic Volatiles From Plastics Under Thermal Stress.Standard Telecommunication Labs. Ltd., Essex, EnglandAnnals of Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 24, No. 4, 331-345, 1981Saito, F.
view article (1.0)Flammability Characteristics of Mattresses.Building Research Institute, Tokyo, JapanJournal of Consumer Product Flammability, Vol. 4, No. 9, 203-222, September 1977Beare, S. D.
view article (1.0)Factors That Affect OSU Thermal Performance of Aircraft Interior Materials.Du Pont Fibers, Wilmington, DEDOT/FAA/CT-93/3; DOT/FAA/93/3,Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). International Conference for the Promotion of Advanced Fire Resistant Aircraft Interior Materials. February 9-11, 1993, Atlantic City, NJ, 283-296 p., 1993Tsantaridis, L. D.; Ostman, B. A. L.; Konig, J.
view article (1.0)Fire Protection of Wood by Different Gypsum Plasterboards. Short Communication.Tratek-Swedish Institute for Wood Technology Research, Stockholm, SwedenFire and Materials, Vol. 23, No. 1, 45-48, January/February 1999