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  • Sivathanu, Y. R.; Gore, J. P.
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    Coupled Radiation and Soot Kinetics Calculations in Laminar Acetylene/Air Diffusion Flames.
    Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 97, No. 2, 161-172, 1994
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC,

  • Hawkes, E. R.; Cant, R. S.
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    Flame Surface Density Approach to Large-Eddy Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion.
    Cambridge University Engineering Dept., UK
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 28th. Proceedings. Volume 1. July 20-August 4, 2000, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Edinburgh, Scotland, Candel, S.; Driscoll, J. F.; Burgess, A. R.; Gore, J. P., Editors, 51-58 p., 2000

  • Branley, N.; Jones, W. P.
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    Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame.
    Imperial College of Science, London, England
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 127, No. 1/2, 1914-1934, October 2001

  • Hawkes, E. R.; Cant, R. S.
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    Physical and Numerical Realizability Requirements for Flame Surface Density Approaches to Large-Eddy and Reynolds Averaged Simulation of Premixed Turbulent Combustion.
    Cambridge Univ., England
    Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 5, No. 4, 699-720, December 2001

  • Balthasar, M.; Mauss, F.; Knobel, A.; Kraft, M.
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    Detailed Modeling of Soot Formation in a Partially Stirred Plug Flow Reactor.
    Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden; Cambridge Univ., England
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 128, No. 4, 395-409, March 2002

  • Sabelnikov, V. A.; daSilva, L. F. F.
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    Partially Stirred Reactor: Study of the Sensitivity of the Monte-Carlo Simulation to the Number of Stochastic Particles with the use of a Semi-Analytic, Steady-State, Solution to the PDF Equation.
    Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Ae rospatiales, Palaiseau Cedex France; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Chasseneuil, France
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 129, No. 1/2, 164-178, April 2002

  • Danna, A.; Dalessio, A.; Kent, J.
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    Reaction Path Analysis of the Formation of Aromatics and Soot in a Coflowing Laminar Diffusion Flame of Ethylene.
    Universita di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy; University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 174, No. 11/12, 279-294, November/December 2002
    Mediterranean Combustion Sympsoium, 2nd. (MCS-02). Proceedings. Organized by Cairo University, Cosponsored by the Combustion Institute and the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer and Partially supported by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. January 6-11, 2002, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 2002

  • Bray, K.; Domingo, P.; Vervisch, L.
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    Role of the Progress Variable in Models for Partially Premixed Turbulent Combustion.
    Cambridge Univ., UK; LMFN, UMR-CNRS-6614-CORIA, Saint Etienne du Rouvray Cedex, France
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 141, No. 4, 431-437, June 2005

  • Lee, K. W.; Choi, D. H.
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    Prediction of NO in Turbulent Diffusion Flames Using Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model.
    Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea
    Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 12, No. 5, 905-927, October 2008

  • Blake, D.; Suo-Anttila, J.
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    Aircraft Cargo Compartment Fire Detection and Smoke Transport Modeling.
    Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ; Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
    Fire Safety Journal, Vol. 43, No. 8, 576-582, November 2008