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Solodkin, Y.; Sokovnin, I., VI.
view article (1.0)Fire Prevention in Underground Storage of Fuel and Lubricants.Department of the Army, Charlottesville, VAGorny Zhurnal, No. 6, 63-65, 1976FSTC-HT-30083, August 29, 1983, 6 p.Henry, M. F.
view article (1.0)Update on the Underground Leakage Problem.National Fire Protection Assoc., Quincy, MAFire Journal, Vol. 80, No. 1, 26-27, 86-87, January 1986Pomroy, W. H.; Johnson, G. A.
view article (1.0)Improved Fire Protection for Underground Fuel Storage and Fuel Transfer Areas.Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PAIC 9032, 1985, 22 p.Azev, V. S.; Kuznetsova, L. N.; Tugolukov, V. M.
view article (1.0)Effect of Underground Storage Conditions on the Combustibility of Diesel Fuels.Transportation and Storage of Petroleum Products and Hydrocarbon Raw Materials, No. 3,FSTC-HT-20-83, August 3, 1983, 4 p.Nailen, R. L.
view article (1.0)Urban Mining Leads to Unique Rescue Unit.Hales Corners, WIFire Chief, Vol. 32, No. 2, 32-37, February 1988FMC Corporation
view article (1.0)Mine Shaft Fire and Smoke Protection System. Interim Report. Volume 2. Mine Fire Protection for Underground Storage Areas. System Application Report.FMC Corp., Santa Clara, CABureau of Mines, Washington, DC, OFR 43(2)-77, September 1976, 19 p.Building Official and Code Administrator
view article (1.0)Underground Storage Tanks--EPA Technical Rules in Effect But Insurance Rules Delayed Until 1991.Building official and Code Administrator, Vol. 24, No. 4, 13-17, July/August 1990Hoffmann, J.
view article (1.0)Kansas: Underground Storage Center Challenges Firefighters. On the Job.Chevy Chase Police Dept., MDFirehouse, Vol. 17, No. 6, 78-80, June 1992Mongeau, E.
view article (1.0)Protection Subtropolis.NFPA Journal, Vol. 92, No. 6, 68-71, November/December 1998Lake, J. D.
view article (1.0)NFPA 520: A New Standard for Subterranean Spaces.National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MANFPA Journal, Vol. 92, No. 6, 72-74, November/December 1998