FireDOC Search

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  • Picone, J. M.; Boris, J. P.
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    Vorticity Generation by Shock Propagation Through Bubbles in Air.
    Naval Research Lab., Washington, DC
    NRL Memorandum 5884, November 14, 1986, 33 p.

  • Rangel, R.; Sirignano, W. A.
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    Dynamics of Vortex Pairing and Merging.
    California Univ., Irvine
    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). 27th Aerospace Sciences Meeting. January 9-12, 1989, AIAA, Washington, DC, Reno, NV, 1-10 p., 1989

  • Baum, H. R.; McCaffrey, B. J.
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    Fire Induced Flow Field: Theory and Experiment.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 2nd International Symposium. June 13-17, 1988, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York, Tokyo, Japan, Wakamatsu, T.; Hasemi, Y.; Sekizawa, A.; Seeger, P. G.; Pagni, P. J.; Grant, C. E., Editors, 129-148 p., 1989

  • Lovachev, L. A.
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    On Flame Propagation in Vortices. Brief Communications.
    Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, USSR
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 27, No. 1, 125-127, August 1976

  • Trelles, J. J.; Pagni, P. J.
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    Practical Scheme for Calculating the Fire-Induced Winds in the October 20, 1991 Oakland Hills Fire.
    California Univ., Berkeley
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD,
    U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Fire Research and Safety. 12th Joint Panel Meeting. October 27-November 2, 1992, Building Research Inst., Ibaraki, Japan Fire Research Inst., Tokyo, Japan, ['Tsukuba, Japan', 'Tokyo, Japan'], 297-305 p., 1992

  • Driscoll, J. F.; Sutkus, D. J.; Roberts, W. L.; Post, M. E.; Goss, L. P.
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    Strain Exerted by a Vortex on a Flame: Determined From Velocity Field Images.
    Michigan Univ., Ann Arbor; Aero Propulsion and Power Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Corp., Hampton,VA; Systems Research Lab., Dayton, OH
    Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 96, No. 4-6, 1994,
    National Science Foundation, Washington, DC,

  • Lee, K. Y.; Puri, I. K.
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    Influence of a Vortex on a Freely Propagating Laminar Methane-Air Flame.
    University of Illinois, Chicago
    Combustion Institute/Central and Western States (USA) and Combustion Institute/Mexican National Section and American Flame Research Committee. Combustion Fundamentals and Applications. Joint Technical Meeting. Proceedings. April 23-26, 1995, San Antonio, TX, Gore, J. P., Editors, 169-172 p., 1995

  • Ashurst, W. T.
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    Flame Propagation Along a Vortex: The Baroclinic Push.
    Sandia National Labs., Livermore, CA
    Department of Energy, Washington, DC,
    Combustion Institute/Eastern States Section. Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion. Proceedings. Fall Technical Meeting, 1995. October 16-18, 1995, Worcester, MA, 297-300 p., 1995

  • Parker, W. J.; Corlett, R. C.; Lee, B. T.
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    Experimental Test of Mass Fire Scaling Principles.
    Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory, San Francisco, CA
    Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC, NRDL-TR-68-117, December 27, 1968, 45 p.

  • Palmer, T. Y.
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    Mass Fire Symposium. Volume 2. Session C and Session D and Session E. Collected Papers. Panel N2. Working Group J. Technical Co-Operation Program. February 10-12, 1969, Defence Standards Laboratories, Victoria, Australia, Canberra, Australia, C1 p., 1969