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Bright, A. W.; Hughes, J. F.; Makin, B.
view article (1.0)Research on Electrostatic Hazards Associated With Tank Washing in Very Large Crude Carriers (Supertankers). Part 1. Introduction and Experiment Modelling.Southampton Univ., UK; Dundee Univ., ScotlandJournal of Electrostatics, Vol. 1, 37-46, 1975Sjolin, V.; Evans, D. D.; Jason, N. H.
view article (1.0)First International Conference on Fire Suppression Research: Summary.BRANDFORSK, Stockholm, Sweden; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDNISTIR 4946, October 1992, 47 p.Gameiro, V. M.
view article (1.0)Fine Water Spray Fire Extinguishing System.Securiplex Technologies, Inc., DorvalSociety of Fire Protection Engineers and PLC Education Foundation. Technical Symposium on Halon Alternatives, Proceedings. June 27-28, 1994, Knoxville, TN, 71-84 p., 1994Dembele, S.; Delmas, A.; Sacadura, J. F.
view article (1.0)Shielding Fire Thermal Radiation by Water Spray Curtains: Some Improvements in Radiative Transfer Modelling.Centre de Thermique de l'Insa de Lyon (CETHIL), Villeurbanne Cedex, FranceIndustrial Fires III Workshop Proceedings. Major Industrial Hazards. EUR 17477 EN. European Commission. September 17-18, 1996, Riso, Denmark, 175-183 p., 1996Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut
view article (1.0)SP RAPPORT 1997:02,Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 83 p., 1997Arvidson, M.
view article (1.0)Brandscenariet avgor valet av system.SP RAPPORT 1997:02,Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 6-11 p., 1997Isaksson, S.
view article (1.0)Dimensionering av system: fran provning till fardig installation.SP RAPPORT 1997:02,Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 12-17 p., 1997Jacobsen, S. E.
view article (1.0)Godkjennelse av systemer til marint bruk.SP RAPPORT 1997:02,Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 18-26 p., 1997Nordstrom, P.
view article (1.0)Vattendimma ombord pa passagerarfartgy.SP RAPPORT 1997:02,Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 27-28 p., 1997Carlzon, B.
view article (1.0)Brandskydd i datorhallar.SP RAPPORT 1997:02,Nordisk konferens om vattendimmans anvandningsomraden. [Scandanivan Conference on the Use and Application of Sprinklers and Water Requirements. Proceedings. May 14-15, 1997.], 29-34 p., 1997