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  • Hessler, J. P.; Seifert, S.; Winans, R. E.
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    Spatially Resolved Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Studies of Soot Inception and Growth.
    Argonne National Laboratory, IL
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 2, July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 2743-2748 p., 2002

  • Wang, H.; Zhao, B.; Wyslouzil, B.; Streletzky, K.
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    Small-Angle Neutron Scattering of Soot Formed in Laminar Premixed Ethylene Flames.
    Delaware Univ., Newark; Worcester Polytechnic Inst., MA
    Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 29th. Proceedings. Volume 29. Part 2, July 21-25, 2002, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Sapporo, Japan, Chen, J. H.; Colket, M. D., Editors, 2749-2757 p., 2002

  • Marosi, G.; Anna, P.; Marton, A.; Bertalan, G.; Bota, A.; Toth, A.; Mohai, M.; Racz, I.
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    Flame-Retarded Polyolefin Systems of Controlled Interphase.
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; Chemical Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary; Zoltán Bay Applied Research Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
    Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 10/12, 1103-1111, 2002