FireDOC Search

displaying 111 - 120 results in total 230

  • An, M.; Sousa, A. C. M.; Venart, J. E. S.; Hadjisophocleous, G. V.
    view article (1.0)

    Numerical Simulation of a Waterfog Fire Suppression System.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    NRCC 37776; IRC-P-3622,
    Flow Interaction, 1st International Conference. Proceedings. University of Hong Kong, National Research Council of Canada, Technische Univ. September 5-9, 1994, Hong Kong, Ka, N. W. M.; Fledler, H. E.; Lee, B. H. K., Editors, 1-4 p., 1994

  • Yuen, R.; Casey, R.; Devahldavis, G; Leonardi, E.; Yeoh, G. H.; Chandrasekaran, V.; Grubits, S. J.
    view article (1.0)

    Three Dimensional Mathematical Model for the Pyrolysis of Wet Wood.
    University of New South Wales, Australia; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, North Ryde, Australia
    International Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. Fifth (5th) International Symposium. March 3-7, 1997, Intl. Assoc. for Fire Safety Science, Boston, MA, Melbourne, Australia, Hasemi, Y., Editors, 189-200 p., 1997

  • King, M. D.; Yang, J. C.; Chien, W. S.; Grosshandler, W. L.
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    Evaporation of a Small Water Droplet Containing an Additive.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    National Heat Transfer Conference. Volume 3. HTD-Vol. 341. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Proceedings. August 1997, Baltimore, MD, 1-6 p., 1997

  • Egoshi, N.; Kawakami, H.; Fujita, I.
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    Oil Migration on the Structured Packing by Evaporation and Recondensation During the Defrosting Operation in the Air Separation Unit.
    Nippon Sanso Corp., Ibaraki, Japan; Nippon Sanso Corp., Kawasaki, Japan
    ASTM STP 1319; ASTM PCN 04-013190-31,
    American Society for Testing and Materials. Flammability and Sensitivity of Materials in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres: Eighth (8th) Volume. ASTM STP 1319. Proceedings. 1997, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Janoff, D. D.; Royals, W. T.; Chou, T. C.; Steinberg, T. A., Editors, 445-457 p., 1997

  • Hadjisophocleous G.; Cao, S.
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    Numerical Simulations of Aircraft Cabin Fire Suppression.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    Aircraft Fire Safety. Propulsion and Energetics Panel (PEP) Symposium. AGARD Conference Proceedings 587. AGARD-CR-587. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD). October 14-17, 1996, Dresden, Germany, 5/1-12 p., 1996

  • Fingas, M.; Wang, Z.; Jokuty, P.; Lambert, P.; Fieldhouse, B.; Sergy, G.; Mullin, J. V.
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    Oil Beahvior, Fate and Modelling Projects.
    Environment Canada, Ontario; Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA
    Oil Spill Research and Development Forum, Second (2nd) International. Fostering International Co-Operative Research. Proceedings. Volume 1. May 23-26, 1995, 399-407 p., 1995

  • Buist, I.; McCourt, J.; Mullin, J. V.; Glover, N.; Hutton, C.; McHale, J.
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    Mid-Scale Tests of In Situ burning in a NewWave Tank at Prudhoe Bay, AK.
    S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd., Ottawa, Canada; U.S. Minerals Management Service, Herndon, VA; Alaska Clean Seas, Prudhoe Bay, AK
    Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar, 21st. Environment Canada. Volume 2. Proceedings. June 10-12, 1998, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Alberta, Canada, 599-622 p., 1998

  • Carrier, G. F.; Fendell, F. E.; Fink, S. F., IV
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    Air Dilution, Under Calm, of Spreading Dense Vapor From an Instantaneous Spill of Volatile Liquid.
    TRW Space and Electronics Group, Redondo Beach, CA
    Combustion and Flame, Vol. 114, No. 1/2, 178-191, July 1998

  • Pelletier, E.; Brochu, C.
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    Prototype, Mesoscale Simulator for the Study of Oil Weathering Under Severe Conditions. Environmental Studies Research Funds Report No. 086.
    Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Quebec, Canada
    Environmental Studies Research Funds 086, NOvember 1987, 62 p.

  • Buist, I.
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    Window of Opportunity for In Situ Burning.
    S.L Ross Environmental Research Ltd., Ottawa, Canada
    NIST SP 935; NIST SP 995; Volume 2, February 1999; March 2003,
    In Situ Burning of Oil Spills. Proceedings. National Institute of Standards and Technology and Minerals Management Service. November 2-4, 1998, New Orleans, LA, Walton, W. D.; Jason, N. H., Editors, 21-30 p., ['1999', '2003']