FireDOC Search

displaying 111 - 120 results in total 265

  • Strzelbicki-Sas, G.
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    Fire Hazards of Plastics in Chemical Plants and Equipment.
    Hooker Chemical SA, Brussels, Belgium
    Chemistry and Industry, 349-352, April 21, 1973

  • Garrison, W. E.
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    High Performance Flame Retardant Thermoplastics for E/E Applications.
    E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE
    Fire Retardant Chemical Association (FRCA). Technical and Marketing Issues Impacting the Fire Safety of Electrical, Electronic and Composite Applications. October 20-23, 1991, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Coronado, CA, 55-68 p., 1991

  • Frydenlung, L. B.; Howatineck, F. J.; Morrison, J.
    view article (1.0)

    Fire Retardant/Low Smoke Thermosets in the Building Industry.
    ICI Acrylics, Inc., St. Louis, MO
    Fire Retardant Chemical Association (FRCA). Technical and Marketing Issues Impacting the Fire Safety of Electrical, Electronic and Composite Applications. October 20-23, 1991, Fire Retardant Chemicals Assoc., Lancaster, PA, Coronado, CA, 241-252 p., 1991

  • Okawa, M. T.; Polakoff, P. L.
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    Health Hazard Evaluation/Toxicity Determination Report 72-29-28. Modern Industrial Plastics Division, Duriron Co., Dayton, Ohio. Final Report. August-September 1972.
    National Institute for Occupationsl Safety and Health, Rockville, MD
    NIOSH-TR-028-74; HHE 72-29-28, February 1973, 30 p.

  • Scheel, L. D.; Robertson, A. B.; Kupel, R. E.; Richards, D. E.; Cooper, C. V.; Tolos, W. P.; Vignati, L.
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    Toxicity of Pyrolysis Products From a Chlorotrifluoroethylene-Ethylene Copolymer.
    Public Health Service, Cincinnati, OH; Allied Chemical Corp., Morristown, NJ
    AMRL-TR-71-120; Paper 14, December 1971, 21 p.
    SysteMed Corporation. Annual Conference on Environmental Toxicology, 2nd. August 31-September 2, 1971, Fairborn, OH, 191-215 p., 1971

  • Roberts, A. G.
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    Organic Coatings: Properties, Selection, and Use.
    National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
    NBS BSS 007, February 1968, 202 p.

  • Mapleston, P.
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    Low Toxicity, Processability Are Focus of Materials R&D.
    Modern Plastics, 58-60, March 1993

  • Andersen, K. B.; Hamann, K.
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    Cost Benefit of Patch Testing With Textile Finish Resins.
    Ganiofte Hospital, Denmark
    Contact Dermatits, Vol. 8, 64-67, 1982

  • Markezich, R. L.
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    Dechlorane Plus: A Chlorinated Flame Retardant.
    Occidental Chemical Corp., Grand Island, NY
    Interscience Communications Limited. Fire and Materials. International Conference, 2nd. September 23-24, 1993, Arlington, VA, 229-233 p., 1993

  • Markezich, R. L.
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    Dechlorane Plus: A Versatile Flame Retardant.
    Occidental Chemical Corp., Grand Island, NY
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Industry Speaks Out on Flame Retardancy: Coatings; Polymers and Compounding; Test Method Development; New Products. Fall Conference, 1992. October 27-30, 1992, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, Charleston, SC, 111-120 p., 1992