FireDOC Search

displaying 131 - 140 results in total 607

  • Saunders, J. H.; Backus, J. K.
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    Thermal Degradation and Flammability of Urethan Polymers.
    Mobay Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, PA
    Rubber Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 39, 461-480, 1966

  • Loffler, C.
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    Aluminium Hydroxide as Flame-Retardant Filler in Conveyor Belting.
    Martinswerk GMBH, Bergheim
    Session 15,
    Plastics and Rubber Institute. Fire-Resistant Conveyor Belts International Conference. September 13-14, 1983, Plastics and Rubber Institute, London, England, Lancaster, England, 15/1-10 p., 1983

  • Farmer, R. W.
    view article (1.0)

    Procedural Variables in the Thermogravimetry of Plastics. May 1963-January 1964.
    Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
    AFML-TDR-61-133, April 1964, 56 p.

  • Malone, W. M.; Schwarcz, J. M.
    view article (1.0)

    Smoke Suppressant for PVC.
    NL Industries, Inc., Highstown, NJ
    Plastics Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, 41-44, July 1975

  • Guess, W. L.; Haberman, S.; Rowan, D. F.; Bower, R. K.; Autian, J.
    view article (1.0)

    Characterization of Subtle Toxicity of Certain Plastic Components Used in Manufacture of the Polyvinyls.
    Texas College of Pharmacy Univ., Austin
    American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Vol. 24, 495-501, 1967

  • Rakszawski, J. F.; Parker, W. E.
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    Effect of Group IIIA--Via Elements and Their Oxides on Graphite Oxidation.
    Speer Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, NY
    Carbon, Vol. 2, 53-63, 1964

  • Wiinikainen, R.
    view article (1.0)

    Flame Retardant Impact Polystyrene Materials for TV Enclosures.
    Foster Grant Co., Inc., Leominster, MA
    Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. Plastics in Appliances. National Technical Conference. November 17-19, 1975, Louisville, KY, 100-104 p., 1975

  • Liu, P.
    view article (1.0)

    Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Engineering Plastics.
    GE Plastics, Mt. Vernon, IN
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys--Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. FRCA Spring Conference, 1989. March 12-15, 1989, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, San Antonio, TX, 33-47 p., 1989

  • Ilardo, C. S.; Markezich, R. L.
    view article (1.0)

    Afterglow Control for FR-Engineering Plastics.
    Occidental Chemical Corp., New York
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys--Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. FRCA Spring Conference, 1989. March 12-15, 1989, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, San Antonio, TX, 101-113 p., 1989

  • Rinehart, R. E.
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    Fire Retardant Engineered Plastics by Design.
    Allied-Signal Inc., Morristown, NJ
    Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys--Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. FRCA Spring Conference, 1989. March 12-15, 1989, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, San Antonio, TX, 203-213 p., 1989