displaying 131 - 140 results in total 607
Saunders, J. H.; Backus, J. K.
view article (1.0)Thermal Degradation and Flammability of Urethan Polymers.Mobay Chemical Co., Pittsburgh, PARubber Chemistry and Technology, Vol. 39, 461-480, 1966Loffler, C.
view article (1.0)Aluminium Hydroxide as Flame-Retardant Filler in Conveyor Belting.Martinswerk GMBH, BergheimSession 15,Plastics and Rubber Institute. Fire-Resistant Conveyor Belts International Conference. September 13-14, 1983, Plastics and Rubber Institute, London, England, Lancaster, England, 15/1-10 p., 1983Farmer, R. W.
view article (1.0)Procedural Variables in the Thermogravimetry of Plastics. May 1963-January 1964.Air Force Materials Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OHAFML-TDR-61-133, April 1964, 56 p.Malone, W. M.; Schwarcz, J. M.
view article (1.0)Smoke Suppressant for PVC.NL Industries, Inc., Highstown, NJPlastics Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 7, 41-44, July 1975Guess, W. L.; Haberman, S.; Rowan, D. F.; Bower, R. K.; Autian, J.
view article (1.0)Characterization of Subtle Toxicity of Certain Plastic Components Used in Manufacture of the Polyvinyls.Texas College of Pharmacy Univ., AustinAmerican Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Vol. 24, 495-501, 1967Rakszawski, J. F.; Parker, W. E.
view article (1.0)Effect of Group IIIA--Via Elements and Their Oxides on Graphite Oxidation.Speer Carbon Co., Niagara Falls, NYCarbon, Vol. 2, 53-63, 1964Wiinikainen, R.
view article (1.0)Flame Retardant Impact Polystyrene Materials for TV Enclosures.Foster Grant Co., Inc., Leominster, MASociety of Plastics Engineers, Inc. Plastics in Appliances. National Technical Conference. November 17-19, 1975, Louisville, KY, 100-104 p., 1975Liu, P.
view article (1.0)Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Engineering Plastics.GE Plastics, Mt. Vernon, INFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys--Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. FRCA Spring Conference, 1989. March 12-15, 1989, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, San Antonio, TX, 33-47 p., 1989Ilardo, C. S.; Markezich, R. L.
view article (1.0)Afterglow Control for FR-Engineering Plastics.Occidental Chemical Corp., New YorkFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys--Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. FRCA Spring Conference, 1989. March 12-15, 1989, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, San Antonio, TX, 101-113 p., 1989Rinehart, R. E.
view article (1.0)Fire Retardant Engineered Plastics by Design.Allied-Signal Inc., Morristown, NJFire Retardant Chemicals Association. Fire Retardant Engineering Polymers and Alloys--Products and Applications--Compounding--Testing and Evaluation. FRCA Spring Conference, 1989. March 12-15, 1989, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, San Antonio, TX, 203-213 p., 1989