FireDOC Search

displaying 1631 - 1640 results in total 1668

  • Blackie, S.
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    Design Studies.
    Fire Risk Management, 29-31, October 2009

  • Chan, C.; Blair, D.
    view article (1.0)

    Damage Control.
    Fire Risk Management, 33-35, October 2009

  • Compton, P.
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    Clear Learning.
    Fire Risk Management, 36-38, October 2009

  • Proulx, G.
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    Evacuation From a Single Family House.
    National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
    Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 255-266 p., 2009

  • Scott, D.
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    Fire in an Operating Theatre: What Really Happens? A Case Study of a Fire in a Private Hospital in Hamilton, New Zealand.
    OnFire Consulting Ltd, Te Awamutu, New Zealand
    Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 313-322 p., 2009

  • Tseng, W.; Shen, T.; Laing, C.
    view article (1.0)

    Survey of the Characteristics of Human Evacuation Behaviors in Building Fires.
    Central Police Univ.,Kueishan Hsiang, Taoyuan County, 33304, Taiwan
    Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 399-409 p., 2009

  • Kendrew, C. F. Ng; Chow, W. K.; Chow, C. L.
    view article (1.0)

    Evacuation for Tall Buildings in Hong Kong.
    Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, China; Cambridge Univ., England
    Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 597-600 p., 2009

  • Thurston, S.
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    Seismic Performance of 2-Storey Brick Veneer.
    Building Research Association of New Zealand, Judgeford
    BUILD, No. 114, 52-53, October/November 2009

  • Kruppa, J.
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    Fire Safety Engineering in France: Current Practice and Foreseen Evolution.
    Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 44, 18-20, Fall 2009

  • Peters, D.
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    Mechanical and HVAC Design Goes Underfloor.
    Consulting-Specifying Engineer, Vol. 46, No. 4, 20-22,24, October 2009