FireDOC Search

displaying 1931 - 1940 results in total 1947

  • O'Donoghue, J. J.
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    Evolution of an Elevator Task Group Project.
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 163, No. 3, 137-145, March 2010

  • Madrzykowski, D.; Kerber, S.
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    Wind-Driven Fire Research: Hazards and Tactics.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 163, No. 3, 79-82,84,86,88-90,92-94, March 2010

  • Smith, J. P.
    view article (1.0)

    High-Rise Buildings. Part 4.
    Firehouse, Vol. 35, No. 4, 30,32-34,36-38, April 2010

  • Massey, C. S. D.
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    Kitchen Hood and Duct Fires In High-Rise Buildings.
    Firehouse, Vol. 35, No. 4, 114,116-117, April 2010

  • Guzzi, A. F., Jr.
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    After-Action Review: Fire in a Residential High-Rise.
    Firehouse, Vol. 35, No. 4, 118-120, April 2010

  • Chow, C. L.; Chow, W. K.; Han, S. S.; So, A. K. W.
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    Vertical Air Temperature Profiles in a Single Skin Glass Facade With a "Jumping Fire" Scenario.
    Cambridge Univ., England; Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Kowloon; Research Engineering Development Facade Consultants Ltd., Hong Kong
    Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 17, No. 2, 107-130, 2007-2008

  • Averill, J. D.; Peacock, R. D.; Keeney, R. L.
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    Rethinking Egress: A Vision for the Future. Workshop Proceedings, April 1-3, 2008, Warrenton, Virginia.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Duke Univ., Durham, NC
    NIST TN 1647; NIST Technical Note 1647, November 2009, 74 p.

  • Grosshandler, W. L.
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    Fire-Induced Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Results of the NIST Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, 2009 International Symposium. Proceedings. China Fire Proection Association. October 2009, Beijing, China, Jinhua, S.; Jie, J., Editors, 1-17 p., 2009

  • Kerber, S.; Madrzykowski, D.
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    Wind Driven Structure Fire and Mitigation Strategy Experiments.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Fire Science and Fire Protection Engineering, 2009 International Symposium. Proceedings. China Fire Proection Association. October 2009, Beijing, China, Jinhua, S.; Jie, J., Editors, 50-69 p., 2009

  • Foley, J. M.
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    Modern Building Materials Are Factors in Atlantic City Fires.
    Atlantic City Fire Dept., NJ
    Fire Engineering, Vol. 163, No. 5, 65-66,68,70, May 2010