displaying 191 - 200 results in total 1146
Houck, R. R.
view article (1.0)Numerical Field Model Simulation of Full-Scale Fire Tests in a Closed Spherical/Cylindrical Vessel With Internal Ventilation.Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CASeptember 1988, 232 p.Energy Analysts, Inc.
view article (1.0)Large Scale Gas-Well Blowout Fire Simulations. Blowout Fire Suppression Using Water Sprays. January 27, 1984. 8 Minutes. VHS Video Tape.Energy Analysts, Inc., Norman, OKGaume, J. G.; Reibold, R. C.
view article (1.0)Animal Responses in Full Scale BART Vehicle Fire Tests.Douglas Aircraft Co., Long Beach, CAJournal of Combustion Toxicology, Vol. 9, 3-70, February 1982Sundstrom, B.; Kaiser, I.; Wickstrom, U.
view article (1.0)"Corner Test"--Estimation of the Fire Risk by Indoor Sets in Rooms.National Testing Inst., Boras, SwedenGIT Supplement 4; SP Report 1988:15, 1987, 4 p.Greenstein, L. M.; Richman, S. I.
view article (1.0)Study of Magnesium Fire Extinguishing Agents.Francis Earle Laboratories, Inc., Peekskill, NYWright Air Development Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, WADC TR 55-170, May 1955, 148 p.Jablonski, E. J.; Peterson, H. B.; Tuve, R. L.
view article (1.0)Study of the Characteristics of Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems in Controlling Full-Scale Fires.Naval Research Lab., Washington, DCNRL 5139, June 11, 1958, 47 p.Sundstrom, B.; Wickstrom, U.
view article (1.0)Fire: Full Scale Tests. Calibration of Test Room. Part 1.National Testing Inst., Boras, SwedenCIB W14/81/21 (S); SP-RAPP 1981:48; NORD-TEST PROJECT 143:78,2, 1981, 48 p.Brein, D.
view article (1.0)Brandausbreitung bei verschiedenen Stoffen, die in lagermabiger Anordnung gestapelt sind. Teil 2. Grobrandversuche 1. [Flame Spread of Materials in Storage. Part 2. Large Scale Experiments.]Karlsruhe Univ., West GermanyReport 58, November 1986, 37 p.Holmes, C. A.; Eickner, H. W.; Brenden, J. J.; Peters, C. C.; White, R. H.
view article (1.0)Fire Development and Wall Endurance in Sandwich and Wood-Frame Structures.Forest Products Lab., Madison, WICIB W14/82/16 (USA); FPL 364, March 1980, 24 p.Smith, F. E.
view article (1.0)Trials of Foams on Hydrocarbon Fires in the European Community.Home Office, London, EnglandPublication 8/85, January 1985, 27 p.