displaying 201 - 210 results in total 230
Saidi, M. S.; Mhaisekar, A.; Hajaligol, M. R.; Subbiah, M.
view article (1.0)Effects of Thermo-Physical and Flow Parameters on the Static and Dynamic Burning of a Cigarette.Saidi Partnership, Richmond, VA; Philip Morris USA, Research Center, Richmond, VaCombustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 10, No. 6, 939-960, December 2006Greenberg, J. B.
view article (1.0)Finite-Rate Evaporation and Droplet Drag Effects in Spherical Flame Front Propagation Through a Liquid Fuel Mist.Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, HaifaCombustion and Flame, Vol. 148, No. 4, 187-197, March 2007Cobbs, C. A.
view article (1.0)Methods for Determining the Thermodynamic Character of Sun Protective Clothing and UV-Protective Chemical Treatments for Clothing.Spectrum BioPhotonics Inc., Seattle, WAASTM STP 1386,Performance of Protective Clothing: Issues and Priorities for the 21st Century. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) Volume. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM STP 1386. June 28-30, 1999, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, Seattle, WA, Nelson, C. N.; Henry, N. W., Editors, 14-32 p., 2000Yoo, H. S.; Sun, G.; Pan, N.
view article (1.0)Thermal Protective Performance and Comfort of Wildland Firefighter Clothing: The Transport Properties of Multilayer Fabric Systems.California Univ., DavisASTM STP 1386,Performance of Protective Clothing: Issues and Priorities for the 21st Century. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) Volume. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM STP 1386. June 28-30, 1999, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, Seattle, WA, Nelson, C. N.; Henry, N. W., Editors, 504-518 p., 2000Myhre, L.; Barker, R.; Scruggs, B.; Shalev, I.; Prahsarn, C.; Miszko, T.
view article (1.0)Effect of Measured Heat Loss Through Turnout Materials on Firefighter Comfort and Heat Stress. Part 2: Performance in a Warm Environment.Alamo Physiological Research Institute, San Antonio, TX; North Carolina State Univ., RaleighASTM STP 1386,Performance of Protective Clothing: Issues and Priorities for the 21st Century. Proceedings. Seventh (7th) Volume. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). ASTM STP 1386. June 28-30, 1999, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, Seattle, WA, Nelson, C. N.; Henry, N. W., Editors, 535-545 p., 2000Wang, T. J.; Baek, S. W.
view article (1.0)Numerical Modeling of Unsteady Spray Behavior in Moderately High-Pressure Regime.Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon 305-701, KoreaCombustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 11, No. 1, 21-46, February 2007Marzi, T.; Beard, A.
view article (1.0)Ecological Footprint of Flame Retardants Over Their Life Cycle: A Case Study on the Environmental Profile of New Phosphorus Based Flame Retardants.Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Germany; Clariant GmbH, GermanyFlame Retardants 2006. (Flame Retardants '06). 12th Conference Proceedings. British Plastics Federation and Interscience Communications in collaboration with the Association of Plastics Manufacturers, European Flame Retardant Association and the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association. February 14-15, 2006, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, London, England, 21-31 p., 2006Yu-Lieh, W.; Tung-Liang, H.; Kee-Chiang, C.
view article (1.0)Performance of Water Spray Fire Suppression Systems Under Different Nozzle Locations, Water Flow Rates, and Ventilation Conditions.National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, TaiwanJournal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 13, No. 2, 139-161, 2004-2005Castanet, G.; Lemoine, F.
view article (1.0)Heat Transfer Within Combusting Droplets.Technische Universitä t Darmstadt, Germany; LEMTA—CNRS UMR 7563, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex, FranceVolume 31; Part 2,Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 31st. Proceedings. Volume 31. Part 2. August 5-11, 2006, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Heidelberg, Germany, Barlow, R. S.; Sick, V.; Glarborg, P.; Yetter, R. A., Editors, 2141-2148 p., 2007Fisher, B. T.; Awtry, A. R.; Sheinson, R. S.; Fleming, J. W.
view article (1.0)Flow Behavior Impact on the Suppression Effectiveness of Sub-10-µm Water Drops in Propane/Air Co-Flow Non-Premixed Flames.Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DCVolume 31; Part 2,Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 31st. Proceedings. Volume 31. Part 2. August 5-11, 2006, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Heidelberg, Germany, Barlow, R. S.; Sick, V.; Glarborg, P.; Yetter, R. A., Editors, 2731-2739 p., 2007