FireDOC Search

displaying 211 - 220 results in total 374

  • Jia, F.; Galea, E. R.; Patel, M. K.
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    Numerical Simulation of the Noncharring Pyrolysis Process and Fire Development Within a Compartment.
    University of Greenwich, London, England
    Paper No. 98/IM/33, 1998, 24 p.

  • Gao, F.; Price, D.; Milnes, G. J.; Eling, B.; Lindasy, C. I.; McGrail, P. T.
    view article (1.0)

    Laser Pyrolysis of Polymers and Its Relation to Polymer Fire Behavior.
    University of Salford, UK; ICI Polyurethanes, Belgium; ICI Chemicals and Polymers Limited, UK
    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol. 40, No. 41, 217-231, 1997

  • Grand, A. F.; Tell, R. N.
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    Full Scale Fire Evaluations of PMMA Used for Neutron Shielding.
    Omega Point Laboratories, Inc., Elmendorf, TX; Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM
    Fire Risk and Hazard Assessment Research Application Symposium. Research and Practice: Bridging the Gap. Proceedings. National Fire Protection Research Foundation. June 25-27, 1997, San Francisco, CA, 243-258 p., 1997

  • Ohmiya, Y.; Tanaka, T.; Wakamatsu, T.
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    Room Fire Model for Predicting Fire Spread by External Flames.
    Science University of Tokyo, Japan; Kyoto Univ., Japan
    Fire Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1, 11-21, 1998

  • Staggs, J. E. J.
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    Theory for Quasi-Steady Single-Step Thermal Degradation of Polymers.
    Leeds Univ., Yorkshire, UK
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 22, No. 3, 109-118, May/June 1998

  • Olson, S. L.; Tien, J. S.
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    Near-Surface Vapor Bubble Layers in Low Stretch Burning of PMMA.
    NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH; Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH
    NISTIR 6242, October 1998,
    National Institute of Standards and Technology. Annual Conference on Fire Research: Book of Abstracts. November 2-5, 1998, Gaithersburg, MD, Beall, K. A., Editors, 53-54 p., 1998

  • Moghtaderi, B.; Dlugogorski, B. Z.; Kennedy, E. M.; Fletcher, D. F.
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    Effects of the Structural Properties of Solid Fuels on Their Re-Ignition Characteristics.
    University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia; University of Sydney, Australia
    Fire and Materials, Vol. 22, No. 4, 155-165, July/August 1998

  • Martin, J. W.; Dickens, B.; Waksman, D.; Bentz, D. P.; Byrd, W. E.; Embree, E. J.; Roberts, W. E.
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    Thermal Degradation of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) at 50 Det C to 125 Deg C.
    National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 34, 377-393, 1987

  • Quintiere, J. G.
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    Review of Experiments on the Airborne Release of Simulated Radioactive Compounds From Fire.
    Maryland Univ., College Park
    Fire Technology, Vol. 34, No. 4, 307-324, November 1998

  • Kojima, Y.; Matsuoka, T.; Takahashi, H.; Kurauchi, T.
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    Crystallization of Nylon 6-Clay Hybrid by Annealing Under Elevated Pressure.
    Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories, Inc., Aichi, Japan
    Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 51, No. 4, 683-687, January 24, 1994