displaying 241 - 250 results in total 343
Castellote, M.
view article (1.0)RILEM Technical Committee TMC, Testing and Modelling Chloride Penetration in Concrete.Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences, SpainNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.1. November 9-10, 1998, 3-4 p., 1999Sagues, A.
view article (1.0)Model for a Quantitative Corrosion Damage Function for a Reinforced Concrete Marine Substructure.University of South Florida, TampaNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.2. November 9-10, 1998, 4-6 p., 1999Nilsson, L. O.
view article (1.0)Present Limitations in Scientifically-Based Prediction Models for Chloride Ingress Into Submerged Concrete.Chalmers Univ., SwedenNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.3. November 9-10, 1998, 6-8 p., 1999Poulsen, E.
view article (1.0)Chloride Exposed RC-Structures: Chloride Ingress and Lifetime Prediction by the Hetek Model.AEC Laboratory, DenmarkNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.4. November 9-10, 1998, 8-9 p., 1999Thomas, M.; Bentz, E.
view article (1.0)Modelling Chloride Ingress by the Combined Processes of Diffusion and Convection.University of Toronto, CanadaNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.5. November 9-10, 1998, 9-11 p., 1999Marchand, J.; Samson, E.; Maltais, Y.
view article (1.0)Modeling Ion Transport in Cement-Based Materials.Laval Univ., CanadaNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.6. November 9-10, 1998, 11-12 p., 1999Tourney, P.
view article (1.0)Duramodel for the Design of Cost-Effective Concrete Structures.Laval Univ., CanadaNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.7. November 9-10, 1998, 12-14 p., 1999Miltenberger, M. A.
view article (1.0)Creating a Standard Corrosion Service Life Prediction Method.Master Builders Inc., Cleveland, OHNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.8. November 9-10, 1998, 14-15 p., 1999Bentz, D. P.
view article (1.0)Predicting Service Life of Chloride-Exposed Steel-Reinforced Concrete.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.9. November 9-10, 1998, 15-17 p., 1999Ehlen, M. A.
view article (1.0)Using Concrete Service Life Prediction Models to Estimate the Life-Cycle Costs of Concrete Structures.National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MDNISTIR 6327, May 1999,Modelling Service Life and Life-Cycle Cost of Steel-Reinforced Concrete. Report From the NIST/ACI/ASTM Workshop Held in Gaithersburg, MD. Proceedings. Summaries of Invited Presentations. Summary 2.10. November 9-10, 1998, 17-18 p., 1999