displaying 11 - 13 results in total 13
Cusack, P. A.; Killmeyer, A. J.
view article (1.0)ITRA Fire Test Laboratory.ITRA Fire Test Laboratory, Uxbridge, England; Tin Information Center of North America, Columbus, OHInterscience Communications Limited. Fire and Materials. 3rd International Conference and Exhibition. October 27-28, 1994, Arlington, VA, 297-300 p., 1994Baggaley, R. G.; Hornsby, P. R.; Yahya, R.; Cusack, P. A.; Monk, A. W.
view article (1.0)Influence of Novel Zinc Hydroxystannate-Coated Fillers on the Fire Properties of Flexible PVC.Brunel Univ., Middlesex, UK; International Tin Research Institute Ltd., Middlexex, UKFire and Materials, Vol. 21, No. 4, 179-185, July/August 1997Cusack, P. A.; Hornsby, P. R.
view article (1.0)Zinc Stannate-Coated Fillers: Novel, Non-toxic Fire-Retardant Additives.ITRI Limited, Uxbridge, UK; Brunel Univ., Uxbridge, UKRecent Advances in Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials: Materials, Applications, Research and Industry Developments, Markets. Volume 11. Business Communications Co., Inc. (BCC). May 22-24, 2000, Business Communications Co., Inc., Norwalk, CT, Stamford, CT, Lewin, M., Editors, 206-212 p., 2000